MMA Imaging and Calibration Group

Agenda for meeting Tuesday, 29 Jan 2002 at 4pm EST.

Date: 29 Jan 2002

Time: 3:30 pm EST (1:30 pm Socorro, 1:30 pm Tucson)

Phone: (434)972-7268 (CV SoundStation Premier Conference phone 2nd floor).

Past minutes, etc on MMA Imaging and Calibration Division Page



News. -Wootten

News from my point of view.  Call from the AEC.
Meeting time changed to one half hour earlier until DST begins.

Meetings This Week-Wootten

DH/TL meeting was a bust IMHO.


ALMA Offline Data Processing Requirements --Myers

A review of the ALMA Offline Data Processing Requirements has been produced by Steve and co-workers.

Please looks this over and comment directly to Steve  when you get a chance (we will select "targeted" reviewers also).  Deadline is 22  Jan.


ALMA Observing Tool: Concept and Prototype - Glendenning

The draft document:

"ALMA Observing Tool: Concept and Prototype" by Scott and Bridger has been posted for comment at:

All comments on this document are welcome - and all comments will receive a written response. Since this document will be revised before final review,
it is OK if you only have time to make "big picture" comments for this revision.

Note that the observing tool will be the major software point of contact between observers and ALMA, so it is particularly important that we get
comments from potential users of ALMA.

Please send your comments directly to Steve Scott ( by February 8. It is a convenience if your comments are in the form:

p.16 An interesting comment about something on page 16.


Project Book Revision -- Wootten

This needs to be done within the next month. Chapters which the science group has traditionally participated in include:

Table of Contents

3 Calibration

1. General Calibration Issues (Guilloteau, Holdaway & Wootten) (alternative as HTML ) 2001-02-06

This chapter will be revised in the light of the June PDR last year. Mark has proposed a plan of action.

2. Calibration Hardware (Payne, Vaccari et al.) (alternative HTML ) 2001-02-02

This needs input from IRAM on the semi-transparent vane, in my opinion. It should have something about the optical pointing telescopes also. It should also include WLM material from Cambridge, IMHO. However, I think it is inevitable that some items mentioned in 3.1 won't be addressed yet in 3.2--FTS for instance.

13 Data Analysis: Imaging Requirements (Holdaway 2000-04-24 & Wootten)

This chapter should make use of the Science Software Requirements Documents. Steve has looked this over.

14 Site Characterization (PDF) also available as 2001-08-01 HTML format (Radford)

I think Simon has revised this.

Array Configuration (Min Yun)

15 NB: Significant revision expected after Feb 2001 PDR and Jan 2002 CDR.  Text is available.


Configuration Meeting

Notes of the 18 Dec  telecon may be found here.

I will go over the recommendations.
 Dave Woody put his figures in

Discussion of beams in the email today.  Mark has provided some plots.
Oops this one didn't workin gif so here is the ps.


Meetings upcoming -- ALMA Week? -- Radford

 ALMA week possibilities include: --------

Upcoming Meetings - Wootten

Configuration PDR 24-25 January Socorro NM

ASAC--19-21 March in Japan?

ALMA Week--23-27 April Granada Spain,

ACC--18-20 April Venice Italy



 Oh, always
