Draft Action Items Science IPT telecon ======================================= Mar. 11, 2003 ***Send comments/corrections to Ewine Old action items: ================ - Polarization widget: Done; decision to go for 345 GHz has been made - Single antenna design: Document has been written by Al just prior to ALMA-Board and submitted to JAO; to be discussed at upcoming ASAC meeting April 2-3 - Fast switching tests: No further action needed - Site: Memo by Nyman et al. following Delgado's work is written. It awaits a dedication to Delgado to be provided by Daniel Hofstadt before submission. *** Lars-Ake to circulate document to calibration group as soon as finished - Configuration: New compact configuration with 15.15m minimum distance has been submitted to ALMAEDM by Conway and is in the approval process. Minor comments have been made by the site and systems IPT. *** John Conway to incorporate these comments and submit final version a.s.a.p. - SSR: *** John Richer and Ewine to formulate response to Steve Scott about data rates. New action items: ================= - Calibration: First report on semi-transparent vane measurements are not encouraging. Subreflector and receiver specifications/design will be frozen late April, so fallback options need to be considered urgently. Revised plan by Stephane-Welch has been discussed at calibration telecon. *** All to send comments on plan *** All to send comments on document on "Science examples for calibration" by Stephane at http://www.cv.nrao.edu/%7Eawootten/mmaimcal/scienceexamples.txt as soon as possible - Configuration: Optimization of Y+ array with fewer additional stations is progressing. *** Mark to summarize status in 2-page document to circulate to ASAC. - Imaging: Jerome Pety's question to the Science IPT "what is the range of SNR that is expected for real science cases for such simulated images?" is part of a much larger question of the fraction of time spent on certain science projects, including mosaicking vs. single pointing. This information needs to be extracted from the ALMA science case to make a "design reference mission" (in NASA-speak). It was decided to form a subgroup consisting of Anne, Mel, Al and people with submm and extragalactic experience to work on this problem. This will subsequently be reviewed by the ASAC. *** Volunteers required to join this subgroup, especially in submm and extragalactic astronomy *** Subgroup to report on actions at the next telecon. In particular, Mel to look at distribution of time spent on mosaicking/single pointing for BIMA - AIPS++ review *** Steve Myers to circulate summary of AIPS++ review and response by AIPS++ project to science IPT - AIPS++ testing *** Jerome to circulate final report on Phase II of AIPS++ testing to science IPT. Done. *** Robert to circulate report on Phase III of AIPS++ testing when available _______________________________________________