ALMA North American Science Advisory CommitteeTelecon

Phone Meeting 2003-April-25

Connection Details

Old Business --

1. Election of Chairperson.   In alphabetical order, nominations were received for the following people who have agreed to serve if elected:

Leo Blitz, UC Berkeley
Richard Crutcher, U. Illinois
Dan Jaffe, U. Texas

This person will be chair for up to one year, modified downward if the workload is much, and perhaps adding a vice chair if necessary.

2. Face-to-Face meeting.  Last time, the ALMA Operations Plan was behind a protected wall.  It is now available in postscript and also

in Adobe pdf.  The ASAC has discussed the role of the regional support centers in its September 2001 report.

New Business -- Agenda

1.  Discussion of ASAC meeting  (C. Wilson)
2. Issues that might be considered by ANASAC in June (C. Carilli)
 some options:
 a. RSC requirements and role during construction and commissioning,
 b. fostering involvement of NA user community during this period
 c. required Chilean infrastructure for visiting scientists

3. Election of chair/vice chair, and affirmation of terms for these  positions.

ALMA Calendar

Leo Blitz
Andrew Blain
 Chris Carilli
 Dick Crutcher
 David Hollenbach
 Jason Glenn
 Dan Jaffee
 Luis Rodriguez
 Dave Sanders
 Xiaohui Fan
 Christine Wilson
 Lee Mundy
 Jean Turner
 Min Yun
 Phil Myers
 Doug Johnstone 
 Mark Gurwell
 Joan Najita

See ImCal and Calibration for background information on some of the above items.