ASAC-Board 2004 November 1-3 in Santiago and at the ALMA Camp. Items from the Board Minutes: 20. The ASAC report had been circulated before the Board meeting and was presented by the Chair P. Schilke. The Board noted the ASAC recommendations and analysis, and particularly that "loss or reduction of any element of the baseline project will result in significant loss of ALMA science, including Level 1 science requirements" and that Early Science "can be delayed if it results in savings to the Project." 22. A draft response to ASAC, including their suggestions for new charges, and the draft charge for the next meeting of ASAC, would be prepared by J. Hesser and R. Wade and put to the Board for approval on 2 December. 23. The Board approved the appointment of Jean Turner as the next Chair of ASAC. The date and venue of the meeting would be confirmed on 2 December. ... 29. The Chair of the Board will be R. Dickman from 1 January 2005. The Vice-Chair will be the President of ESO Council. 30. The next Board telecon would be on Thursday 2nd December. If the ESO Finance Committee and Council agree the contract on 6th December and 8th December respectively there will be an extraordinary Board telecon on Thursday 9 December to approve the antenna contracts. 31. The next face-to-face meeting will be on April 5-6 in Pasadena, Ca.