1) The ASAC is invited to comment on the ALMA Calibration Plan, in particular Science loss as a function of calibration accuracy: relative and absolute amplitude 2) The ASAC is asked to comment on the draft Operations plan, and on any particular issues from the Operations Working Group communicated via the Project Scientist. 3) The ASAC is invited to comment on the Early Operations Reference Science Plan, and consider its usefulness, completeness and the level of detail it contains. 4) Calibration and Receiver Specifications. The ASAC should consider the scientific impact of the specifications on total power and phase stability for ALMA. [actual numbers go here when they are finally compromised upon] A) The ASAC is invited to comment on the Science impact of realtime software: a status report on plans and existing software -- observing modes, limitations, communication B) The ASAC is invited to comment upon the unique science aspects of ALMA in 2007-2010 operations: Comparison to contemporary ground and space facilities in those years.