ALMA Science Advisory Committee


Teleconference, 5 December 2001


Draft Minutes


Participants: R. Bachiller, G. Blake, L. Bronfman, P. Cox, R. Crutcher, N. Evans, S. Guilloteau, M. Gurwell, M. Ishiguro, R. Kawabe, J. Mangum, M. Rafal, J. Richer, S. Sakamoto, P. Schilke, P. Shaver, K. Tatematsu, E. van Dishoeck, M. Walmsley, C. Wilson, A. Wootten, M. Yun

The proposed agenda was adopted, and the minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.


  1. Results of AEC Meeting
  2. M. Rafal summarized the recent AEC meeting in Grenoble. A formal document from the AEC is due to the ACC by 1 February, taking into account budget constraints. He said that the scope remains essentially that of the bilateral project, as given in the Project Book, i.e. 64 antennas and four receiver bands. J. Richer asked whether ASAC input will be required, and M. Rafal replied that the AEC will approach the ASAC if required.


  3. Status of ASAC Charter
  4. It was noted that the ASAC charter is on the ACC agenda for its teleconference of 11 December. A. Wootten asked whether there are any changes to be suggested by the ASAC. Various possible issues were raised, including the frequency of meetings, the size of the ASAC, the possibility of rotation, and the status of Japanese representation, but on all issues it was agreed to leave the charter at present as it is, and wait to see the ACC reactions.


  5. U.S. Funding Status
  6. A. Wootten mentioned that the various necessary milestones for U.S. funding of the FY2002 construction budget (including signature by the President) have been passed successfully. The amount was $12.5M which will be before the National Science Board for approval at its next meeting.


  7. Next ASAC Face-to-Face Meeting
  8. The next face-to-face meeting will take place on 19-21 March. A. Wootten will contact Y. Fukui about plans.


  9. Configuration Plans

A. Wootten reported that a group is presently at Chajnantor looking at the site with different configuration plans. Next week a group of engineers will assess the feasibility of these plans. A Design Review will take place in Socorro on 24-25 January.


6. AOB

P. Shaver reported the good news that UK entry into ESO has now been formally agreed, to go into effect on 1 July 2002. S. Guilloteau said that news about the European prototype antenna would soon be available. M. Ishiguro said that there was no news on the Japanese 12-m prototype antenna.


  1. Next teleconference

The next ASAC teleconference will take place on Wednesday 16 January at 14:30 UT.