ALMA Science Advisory Committee

Teleconference, 12 July 2001

Draft Minutes

Participants: R. Bachiller, A. Benz, G. Blake, L. Bronfman, P. Cox, R. Crutcher, D. Emerson, N. Evans, S. Guilloteau, M. Gurwell, T. Hasegawa, M. Ishiguro, R. Kawabe, R. Kurz, R. Lucas, H. Matsuo, M. Rafal, J. Richer, S. Sakamoto,  P. Shaver, K. Tatematsu, E. van Dishoeck, C. Wilson, A. Wootten, S. Yamamoto

Before formally opening the meeting, E. van Dishoeck announced that P. Schilke would be temporarily replacing K. Menten on the ASAC, and added that Karl is recovering slowly from his illness. D. Emerson announced that he was leaving the ASAC and most of his ALMA duties because of his new position as chair of IUCAF. E. van Dishoeck expressed the gratitude of the ASAC for his work, and the hope that he will remain as involved as possible in the ALMA project. M. Rafal said that a replacement for D. Emerson on the ASAC would be proposed shortly. He also announced that Peter Gray had recently been hired by NRAO as the new U.S. Head of ALMA System Engineering. He will take up his duties in early December, and meanwhile an interim Head of System Engineering will be appointed.

The proposed agenda was adopted, and the minutes of the last teleconference were accepted.

1. Update on three-way project

R. Kurz summarized the recent developments, the most important being that the Japanese formal budget request has now been submitted. This was elaborated briefly by M. Ishiguro. At the end of August this will be submitted by MEXT to the finance ministry. M. Rafal commented that, on the U.S. side, Congress is currently reviewing the budget.

2. ASAC guidelines for future/enhanced correlator workshop

R. Bachiller reported on the guidelines for the upcoming correlator workshop, scheduled for 4-8 August in Japan. He said that the objective should be a common design, and a common cost estimate; the guidelines should ideally become the specs. T. Hasegawa remarked on the requirement for 16 independent subarrays, mentioned in point 6. R. Bachiller replied that this came from the baseline correlator capability (no increase was proposed), but this point is to be clarified. Further comments on the guidelines should be sent to R. Bachiller within the next week; the final version will be prepared by the end of July, in time for the workshop.

3. Report ACA tiger team & ACA science examples

S. Guilloteau reported that the simulations at IRAM are working, and are one week ahead of schedule. In the U.S., M. Holdaway is doing simulations that include the antenna surface errors. Two issues are how to exchange data, and the need for participants to make scientific evaluations of the images. Weekly reports wil appear on the IRAM website, starting tomorrow (13 July).

E. van Dishoeck stressed the need for high level science examples and results that can be readily explained to the EACC. . N. Evans commented that L. Mundy's example of a debris disk is excellent for this purpose, as it is simple and the results immediately visible. E. van Dishoeck proposed that scientists send images to the tiger team for simulations, which are then sent back to the scientists for evaluation S. Guilloteau said that the tiger team does not have the time to analyze the science examples, although the software could be made available to others. For this volunteers are needed. E. van Dishoeck requested the four liaisons - J. Welch, P. Cox, M. Yun and R. Crutcher - produce a plan on how to proceed with this. A. Wootten said that he will help with this process, and interface with the various scientists.

4. Calibration strategy PDR

J. Richer briefly summarized the Cambridge calibration meeting. The external reviewers had not yet submitted their report, but A. Wootten has prepared a summary of the meeting (link). Three main points were made. (1) There has been much progress in atmospheric modelling, and this is probably no longer in the critical path; however the receiver behaviour is still poorly known, and will be critical for calibration. Tests on the actual receivers will be essential. (2) The 1% calibration accuracy specified by the ASAC remains the goal, but it is probably not achievable in practice, and the actual specification will have to be more realistic, and probably wavelength dependent. (3) The whole area of calibration is very important, and requires good organization and coordination. An end-to-end definition of the calibration system is needed. It is recommended that a calibration group be established to organize and coordinate these efforts.

5. Report operations working group

N. Evans said that a work program has been drawn up, and was sent to WG members yesterday. Two areas are distinguished: activities before and during the observations, and interactions following the observations. R. Crutcher asked whether pipeline and final imaging will be included, and N. Evans replied that they would be. The first teleconference of this working group will take place on 19 July.

Concerning input from the SSR working group, R. Lucas commented that he will join the teleconference, and that a revised document is on the SSR web page.

6. Report band 10 working group

This item has been postponed to the next teleconference. P. Cox suggested that the science cases for all bands be brought together into one document.

7. Science day Santiago

E. van Dishoeck referred to the draft program (link), prepared by R. Bachiller and P. Cox. Comments should be directed to R. Bachiller. L. Bronfman said that the talks should be of a broad review nature, as the audience will include scientists and students from other disciplines. The ASAC meeting will take place at Cerro Calan, and the Science Day at the School of Science & Engineering, with a visit to their facilities. The Science Day will be advertised, under the coordination of L. Bronfman. ESO will assist in this and provide posters and display materials.

8. Chile logistics

L. Bronfman referred to the relevant e-mails, and said that logistics preparations should be completed within the next week.

9. Chile ASAC draft agenda

E. van Dishoeck invited comments and suggestions for the draft agenda (link). She pointed out that the discussion of prioritization of enhancements would start on the first day, so that they can be considered overnight for conclusions on the second day.

10. Upcoming SSR Berkeley meeting

R. Lucas said that there were no special points to bring to the attention of the ASAC at the moment (see point 5 above).

11. Draft DSB/2SB

12. AOB

Over the next three weeks, any urgent ASAC matters should be referred to G. Blake, as E. van Dishoeck will be on travels during that time.

13. Next teleconference

The next ASAC teleconference will take place on Thursday 9 August at 14:15 UT.

A further teleconference before the Santiago face-to-face meeting may be held on Thursday 23 August at 14:15 UT, if required.