ALMA Science Advisory Committee

    Teleconference, 9 October 2002

Draft Minutes

Participants: C. Wilson, Chair, Bachiller, Blake, Cox, Crutcher, Evans, Guilloteau, Gurwell, Hasegawa, Ishiguro, Kurz, Mangum, Mardones, Richer, van den Bout, van Dishoeck, Walmsley, Wilner, Wootten, Yamamoto, Yun

 The draft minutes of the August Teleconference were adopted pending addition of an attendance list. Cox will provide his notes to aid in this.
 The agenda for the meeting was approved.

 1) Status Report

 P. van den Bout reported that the status of the project with respect to Chile was unchanged. He will travel to Chile later in the month to meet with Chilean representatives. An amendment to the ESO Treaty providing for ALMA operation in Chile is expected.

 The JAO has toured ALMA worksites in Europe and the United States promoting construction activities. In Grenoble, the JAO approved the configuration proposal presented by Conway of the Science IPT. The site requirements and transporter reviews will be held 22-24 October in Tucson. The EACC meeting went well, with a proposal from Japan presented and warmly received; a negotiating team was appointed to pursue details.

 The bilateral treaty awaits U. S. State Department approval and may be signed before the Santiago meeting.

 van den Bout reported on discussions at the ACC meetings held in Garching during September, on the form of the new ASAC. With five members per side, Europe is thinking of a new ESAC of which the European ASAC members form a subset. There may be a parallel broader NASAC for North America of which the North American ASAC members are a subset; Evans reported NRAO Director Fred Lo to be considering that. Cox noted that the ACC had decided the new ASAC would have three observers from Japan.

 Guilloteau reported on the configuration review. Conway had presented array positions which were nearly what was needed. Holdaway is working to define Y+ positions based upon these. A memo by Mel Wright and independent simulations support the proposed compact configuration and the spiral design out to 4km. The JAO supported the ideas of continuous reconfiguration, sixty antenna configuration optimization, two compact configurations (one for declinations between -55 and +20; another with eleven additional pads for more extreme declinations). The exact movement strategy was still being considered; including the two compact configurations there were 35 total configurations in the planned ALMA, excluding those (probably 7) for the Y+ array). The largest configuration will be optimized for science. Positions for a possible ACA were identified--adjacent to a quebrada to the southeast downwind of the array. Conway is developing a complete report.

 Wootten reported that the backup structure had been mounted on the Vertex antenna, which was proceeding on a new schedule toward completion in mid-November.

 2) Report of the ASAC Face-to-face Meeting (Cox )

 Pierre Cox reported on the ASAC report to the ACC. It has been massaged into final form; the final iteration received few comments. Additional comments are due by Friday 11 October as the report will be delivered to the ACC on Monday 14 October. Guilloteau noted that the sensitivities in the Early Science section were somewhat inconsistent, CARMA using lower system temperatures than ALMA. Cox suggested using an equivalent value for all sites. van Dishoeck noted that the tables included official numbers, expectations for arrays under construction. An offline discussion was suggested to determine the report's final content. Yamamoto reported that the description of the Japanese enhancements was very satisfactory. Richer brought up the software section of the report, offering to add sentences on performance and scalability. He also noted that the construction role of the Science IPT seemed to be rather weak and advocated a short paragraph noting this. Wilson agreed.

 (3)The next teleconference

 After some discussion the next telecon was set for 1530 UT on 6 November 2002.