ETOOLS: Tools for Photon Event Data

M. Abbott, T. Kilsdonk, C. Christian, E. Olson

M. Conroy, J. Herrero, R. Brissenden

Session ID: P1.04   Type: poster


ETOOLS is a NASA Astrophysics Data Program (ADP) funded software development project to produce a package of general purpose tools for use in the reduction of event data. A number of current and future observatories produce time-tagged event data as their primary data product; the ETOOLS package is intended to be useful with event data from any such source. Some of the issues ETOOLS addresses are the definition of a scientific data model for event data sets, basic manipulation of tabular data, interoperability with existing tool sets, and support for multiple data storage formats. In addition to applications for basic analysis, which will run as an IRAF package or as stand-alone UNIX programs, ETOOLS will contain software libraries that any interested developer can use to extend the package to their own specific needs. In this paper, we present an overview of the applications and libraries ETOOLS will contain and summarize our current progress. This work is supported by NASA contract NAS5-32698.

Patrick P. Murphy
Tue Sep 10 22:08:47 EDT 1996