Towards optimal analysis of HST crowded stellar fields

P.Linde, R.Snel
Lund Observatory

Session ID: P9.03   Type: poster


We are using the Hubble Space Telescope in a study of stellar populations at the core of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Through Stromgren uvby photometry, we obtain parameters for the derivation of ages and metallicities of individual core stars. Additionally, the faint end luminosity function is studied. Deep exposures have been obtained using the WFPC2 camera. Accurate photometry is essential and we have investigated various techniques to analyse the crowded stellar fields. As a first step, we have designed and used an exposure dithering pattern in order to remove the worst effects of undersampling. We present results from the photometry on the restored images. The faint end luminosity function is studied through application of statistical techniques to very faint background fluctuations. By modelling the various WFPC2 image effects, it becomes possible to derive astrophysical information from very faint background sources that cannot be individually measured. Initial results using this technique will be presented.

Patrick P. Murphy
Tue Sep 10 22:40:10 EDT 1996