The Evolution of the HST Archive



Session ID: P6.03   Type: poster


The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Archive has been in operation since the launch of HST in April 1990. There have been two generations of archive systems (DMF and ST-DADS) and user interfaces (STARCAT and StarView). In this paper, we describe some recent projects and future directions in the continued evolution of the HST Archive systems. Specifically, we discuss: the use of "blackboards" for controlling the Ingest and Distribution subsystems; the port from VAX to Alpha and removal of a specialized I/O processor in ST-DADS; the enhancements to support the second HST servicing mission in 1997; plans for data compression, new media, jukebox/capacity management; ongoing improvements to the StarView user interface; and improved access to the Archive and its catalogs via the World Wide Web. We list some lessons learned from our experiences with ST-DADS.

Patrick P. Murphy
Tue Sep 10 22:27:56 EDT 1996