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  We list here the known Glish bugs:

  1. There is a limit on how much output can be generated by a synchronous shell command.
  2. The asin, acos, and atan math functions don't yet work for complex arguments.
  3. Invoking max, min, or range on an empty vector indexed by an empty vector, such as min([]), returns spurious results.
  4. The interpreter sometimes gets confused as to whether what has been typed in so far ends a statement or should be continued. This is particularly prevalent with entering ``if" statements in interactive mode.
  5. When the Glish interpreter dies, sometimes some of the clients it created continue running.
  6. The Client::Error member function should correctly terminate a pending request/reply.
  7. Event values sent to or from clients cannot contain function's or agent's. reference values are first dereferenced.
  8. The current precedence is such that -5^2 yields 25, while probably -25 is more intuitive.
  9. Error messages don't always well identify the object they relate to, or the corresponding file. Also, those that write an object's value write then entire value, which can prove very annoying for large objects.
  10. A mechanism is needed to support passing embedded blanks in arguments to shell commands.
  11. Glish does not do a very good job converting string's to numeric values. In particular, it should mark conversion of a value like ``"1.234foo"'' as erroneous, while allowing automatic conversion of a value like ``"1.234"'' (i.e., no explicit use of as_double() required).
  12. Printing of values by the Glish interpreter is sometimes messy to the point of being unreadable (particularly printing function values).
  13. If the Glish interpreter tries to contact a remote host to run glishd and is unsuccessful, it does not gracefully recover.
  14. This manual needs a companion manual documenting the Glish internals.


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Thu Nov 13 16:44:05 EST 1997