Water Masers in IRAS16293

Here is a picture of the masers as observed on 1997 April 18 on the 43m telescope.

And here is a closeup view of the maser profile in April.

Here is a picture of the masers as observed on 1998 June 8 on the 43m telescope.

This image shows the integrated intensity of the NH3(1,1) line as observed on 20 October 1989 with the VLA. Resolution is 6".

Here is a copy of a TVMOVIE panel from VLBA observations of 1997 July 26 a first reduction by HAW on 1997 Dec 11. Note the maser ring which was hinted at in the data from the last decade. The size of the ring is about 0.7 AU in diameter, not too different from the 2.5AU size guesstimated from the VLA A array phases.

Here is a zero order moment of the northeast maser in Epoch IV, which showed considerable velocity structure, here visible as structural complexity. Superposed are the orbits of the inner planets of the Solar System as they would project at the 160 pc distance of $\rho$ Ophiuchi.

This plot shows the relative motion between the central group and the redshifted group to the southwest from Epoch to Epoch. Clearly, the distance between the two groups increases. The average expansion velocity necessary to account for the motion is 65 km/s. East is to the RIGHT.

This plot shows the relative motion between the northeastern group and the redshifted group to the southwest from Epoch to Epoch. Clearly, the distance between the two groups increases. The average expansion velocity necessary to account for the motion is 75 km/s. East is to the RIGHT.

This illustrates the positions of maser features during Epoch II at the center of the distribution, probably within 1AU of the central protostar. In pink are shown for illustration the sizes of the orbits of the inner planets of the Solar System to the same scale, arbitrarily centered.