We need to have this evaluated somehow before the September ASAC meeting. The latest version of GILDAS is available (with source code as usual) on the ftp area of iram, directory dist/soft. Should work fine on any Linux computer. GILDAS uses the LAPACK & SLATEC public libraries for some math applications. SDE is a semi-private package developped sometime ago by Tim Cornwell, Mark Holdaway and Dan Briggs. Mark can give details on where to get the source code and how to install it. Let us stick to a Linux computer also. The package uses the Numerical Recipes libraries for many applications. We are interested in using some of the SDE functionalities (mostly the MEM deconvolution methods which don't exist in GILDAS) to test imaging properties of ALMA and its possible associated compact array (ACA). It may require transfering UV data, or images only (I don't know, Morita san and Mark Holdaway know). We have to go fast: the ALMA Scientific Advisory Committe expect results by end of August... SDE can read FITS files, and GILDAS can produce them. However, as you know, the chances that the type of FITS files that GILDAS produces is enough for SDE are small. So some adaptation of the GILDAS FITS producing routines will be required. The job consists in: - Installing GILDAS on your computer help from: Dominique Broguiere - Installing SDE on a Linux computer and distributing a working version to the others help from : Mark Holdaway - Getting an accurate definition of the FITS format required by SDE - finding out whether images are sufficient, or whether UV data should be transferred to help from: Mark Holdaway and/or Koh-Ichiro Morita - Getting a template FITS file (UV data and/or Images according to the previous step) recognized by SDE help from: Mark Holdaway - Modifying GILDAS FITS writing routine according to the template above help from: Dominique Broguiere or Stephane Guilloteau - Testing the data exchange help from: Frederic Gueth & Koh-Ichiro Morita - Transferring the required GILDAS modification into the distributed version help from: Dominique Broguiere & Frederic Gueth