An European ALMA workshop will be held in Leiden December 18-20 in the Lorentz Center. The Lorentz Center (see is well set-up for workshops of up to ~30 people, with offices available for people to work, small meeting rooms to discuss in groups and larger meeting rooms for plenary discussions. The specific program is currently still under discussions, but it will certainly include the following aspects (the Herschel HIFI team meets in Leiden Dec. 16-18): - Wednesday December 18: introduction joint sessions with HIFI on analysis tools, preparatory studies, molecular data, simulations/modeling (i.e., the "end" part of the data analysis) - Thursday December 19: morning: joint calibration discussion ALMA-HIFI, i.p. amplitude and bandpass suggested format: 2 overview talks (1 HIFI, 1 ALMA) followed by small working group discussions afternoon: ALMA calibration issues, i.p. phase corrections, WVR, atmospheric modeling, bandpass, ... - Wed - Friday Dec. 18-20: Discussions and writing of ALMA European FP6 proposal, in particular plans for networking activities with mm community, relation to other projects/communities, preparatory observations with existing facilities; TBC to what extent to include software discussions As EU Science IPT members, you are encouraged to attend this workshop, especially those members working in the calibration and data analysis areas. Details about lodging etc. will follow. Please let Ewine ( know as soon as possible whether you are able to attend.