ALMA Science Advisory Committee

Draft Agenda for ASAC Telecon Weds 6 February 2002

Conference Date: February-6-2002 (Wednesday)

Here's the dial-in information for the telecon:
 CALL TIME:       

Time: 09:30 AM EASTERN TIME 1430 Universal Time
 CALL DATE:         FEB-06-2002  (Wednesday)
  DURATION:              1 hr
   USA Toll-free Number 888-282-0361
  USA Toll Number: +1-712-257-2377
   PASSCODE: 11724
   LEADER:            Al Wootten

Agenda items so far include:

Old Business

(1) Please approve the minutes of the January Meeting.

New Business

(1) Project status report (Rafal, Brown, Kurz)

(2) Agenda for face-to-face meeting (Blake, Cox, Fukui)

(3) Status of ASAC Charter   (Blake, Evans)

(3) U. S. Funding status (Brown)

(4) Next ASAC face-to-face meeting (Fukui, Blake)

(5) Configuration Plans (Wootten, Guilloteau)

(6) Next teleconference (Blake)

The next teleconference is nominally 2 January at 1430 UT, perhaps interfering with New Years for some.  The following week 9 Jan occurs during the AAS meeting.  What is the pleasure of the ASAC?