ALMA Science Advisory Committee
Draft Agenda for ASAC Telecon Weds 10 October 2001

Conference Date: October 10-2001 (Wednesday)

Here's the dial-in information for the telecon:
 CALL DATE:        October 10-2001 (Wednesday)
 CALL TIME:        10:15 AM EASTERN Daylight TIME 1415 Universal Time
 USA #: 800-857-2849
 International #: +1-630-395-0079
 LEADER:           Dr. Al Wootten
Agenda items so far include:

Old Business

(1) Please approve the minutes of the 23 August Meeting.

(2) Please approve the minutes of the September Face-to-face Meeting.

New Business

(1) Update on three-way project; Results of Abingdon Face-to-fact meeting (Brown, Kurz, Ishiguro)

(2) Report on Cryostat, Photonics, Front End Meetings (Rafal, Guilloteau, Hasegawa)

(3) The ASAC Report including the Operations Appendix Ehancements summary and ACA Simulations. One figure has caused printing problems with the enhancements summary, hence there is a second version of the Ehancements summary without the figure available.

(4) Next teleconference

The next teleconference is nominally 8 November at 1415UT.