Dear ASAC members, Attached you find a preliminary report on "Cost reduction in FX correlator for enhanced ALMA and sensitivity consideration" by Japanese correlator working group to ASAC. This report is the revised version of the report to the recent ALG meeting. We are sorry for that this is sent to you just before the today's telecon. Someone will have a problem in reading it, then the text file is attached below this mail (except for a figure). If needed, please transfer it to persons who are related to or interested in this issues. Sincerely Yours, Ryohei Kawabe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cost reduction in FX correlator for enhanced ALMA and sensitivity consideration 2000.7.10 S.K.Okumura, Y.Chikada and M.Momose <> There were discussions whether it is appropriate or not to have the FX correlator capability of 128k channel/IF, considering the costs of the correlator itself and the post-process computing. Thus we have started to discuss several possibilities to reduce the correlator cost conserving almost all of the scientific merits we proposed. We are now considering the reduction of the output channel number from 128k/IF to 32K or 16K /IF through flexible smoothing operation. This will eliminate the fear that the large amount of the frequency channels might increase the costs of post-detection computing and archiving. We estimate that the total cost of the FX correlator becomes at least half due to the change(s) below. Now we are discussing the detailed hardware design and the precise amount of the cost reduction. We are happy to report the concrete plans under the technical discussions now. We are studying the possibilities to reduce the costs, maintaining the total bandwidth of 16GHz and the minimum frequency resolution of 32kHz simultaneously. (1). We found a method where we can replace the 'short-term' integration memory in the X-part ASIC to a simple register if we have a 'short-term' spectrum buffer at the output of the F-part (FFT). ( See attached figure. ) The spectrum buffer accepts inputs, e.g., 0,1,2,3,...,n (-th) frequency channels successively as the FFT goes, stores them M times (i.e. M segments) in different addresses, and outputs such that the identical frequency channels be output successively, e.g., 0,0,0,...0,1,1,1,...1, 2,...,n. The unit price per bit of the ASIC 'short-term' integration memory is two orders of magnitude expensive compared to that of the off-the-shelf memory chip needed for the 'short-term' spectrum buffer. As a result, we can expect a 99% cost reduction in 'short-term' integration memory which consists 80% costs in the conventional X-part which were 80% of the total costs of the FX. Conventional FX Present Plan F-part costs 20% < 20 + 1 % X-part costs 16 + 64=80% 16 + 1=17% SIM(*) (64%) (1%) total costs 100% < 38% In this method, essentially, correlator cost reduction can be realized without frequency region bunching. However, for the convenience of the further processing in the computers, flexible smoothing function will be implemented at the output of the correlator. (2). Another method is to have frequency region bunching – either smoothing or frequency baseline calculation -- just after the cross-correlation multipliers to reduce the number of word number of the 'short-term' integration memory. In this latter method, there might be some restriction in the selection of the frequency baseline region. Only for the millimeter-wave observations, we will lose some amount of the efficiency of imaging line survey over the whole 4GHzBW/IF and the possibility to make serendipitous observations through the frequency region bunching. However, for continuum and the line emission we know, nothing will be lost, and for the sub-mm observations, we are able to proceed the wide-band( >1000km/s) and high-resolution( < 0.1 km/s ) observations simultaneously. So the FX correlator still have much more scientific merits compared to the baseline-ALMA XF correlator. <> There are some arguments on the sensitivity losses by the FX architecture. One is on the additive noises that arise in the finite-length arithmetic in the FFT. We can and will choose the word-length to satisfy the condition that those noises be negligibly small compared to those of ADC’s. Furthermore, FX has capability of accommodating multi-bit ADC’s even 6-8 bit ones such as commercially available ADC’s which are in the market for 1 GHz uses. This implies that FX could be more sensitive in the near future. The other is on the algorithmic problem. If there is no FFT segment overlapping, there is some loss of correlation samples in the large lag portion of the correlation function. This is true. But this causes no harm in continuum observations and very small harm in the cases where the frequency binding-up is executed. If there are anyone who are not contended with the sensitivity in the highest frequency resolution, we can even double the number of FFT channels at a negligibly small cost increase to realize binding-up for those observations. <> In order to discuss the specifications and designs of the next-generation correlator, Japanese correlator group would propose the correlator technical meeting in Tokyo at the end of August or September. The tentative contents are : #Necessary specifications for the next-generation correlator ( Science, System, ... ) #Japanese proposal and status #European proposal and status #Comments from the baseline-ALMA correlaror(?) #Discussion for possible collaborations If possible, ##progress reports of the collaboration with HSS for baseline-ALMA -Japan -Europe If the outline of this meeting is confirmed at ALG, we would like to negotiate the date, contents and speakers etc to the European and U.S. correlator people. Appendix:Europe-Japan Meeting on High Speed Digitizer Development Plans and Tests on 30 March 2000 11:00-13: ( A. Baudry, S.K.Okumura, and R. Kurz @ ESO,Garching ) 1) Introduction of Japanese development plan with OKI/NRO sampler and Technical discussion # OKI chips # 1-bit experiments using OKI chips @8Gsps => measurements of fundamental parameters (sampling jitter, DC offset, and width of the indecision region) # development of 2-bit ADC@4Gsps => Technical problem : Integration of sampling circuit, etc... 2) Introduction of European development plan and test, and Technical discussion # high speed comparator with advanced CMOS technology and at a later stage with SiGe technology (year 2001) => comparison of technical problems with different technologies # integration of the input analog amplifier on ASIC. # fabrication of test correlator for 4GHz-clock sampling devices 3)Cooperation and mutual information ##Exchange information about the results of the tests and/or fabrication by June-July 2000 and at a later date when intermediate or complete results become available. Around July 2000: Japan will have almost finished the 1-bit experiments,  Europe will have fabricated a first comparator at less than 4 GHz clock sampling, and will have started developing the test correlator. ##attendance on Interim Design Review of ALMA HSS pre-prototype with Europe and Japan. A tentative date for the interim review is the end of January 2001. ##Performance tests using European test correlator for both high speed digitizers( Japan and Europe ) around mid-June 2001. @It was recognized that having different chip technologies based on advanced CMOS and SiGe in Europe and GaAs in Japan is of interest to ALMA.