Dear Colleagues Mark Gurwell has joined our group on operations, so the list is now Christine Wilson Peter Shaver John Richer Roy Booth Leo Bronfman Malcolm Walmsley Yasuo Fukui Seiichi Sakamoto Mark Gurwell I will attach a draft of the work statement for our group that Ewine has approved. This may be on the agenda for the ASAC telecon Thursday, so that is a good time to discuss the scope of our work. I have been collecting materials that provide background for our considerations. Here is the list I have so far. Please let me know if I have omitted anything. In addition, we are supposed to get a binder that has some of these documents and some others that I don't have access to. However, I don't know when this binder might arrive, and we need to get started. 1. Project book chapter 18 (available on web). 2. ALMA memo 367 from the Software requirements group. (available on web) 3. vol 6, mainly section 4 of the ESO proposal (big binder we all should have) 4. operations model from Seiichi Sakamoto (will attach two files) 5. Canadian proposal for Real-Time Imager 6. Joe Schwarz's document on ALMA Operations Issues (attached) There may be other documents that come up as we go along. For example, it may be helpful to see the full Software Requirements document. I think we need a telecon after some time to read these documents and think. Given the geographic locations of our members, it seems that the time of the ASAC telecons or one hour earlier is about the only possible time. Let us default to the same time as the ASAC telecons (1415 UT as long as we are on Daylight Savings time) unless I hear strong opinion to move one hour earlier. Here is a proposed schedule of activities: July 12 comment during ASAC telecon on work statement, assuming it is on the agenda. July 19 Initial telecon after reading the material; form into subgroups to develop options, recommendations in various areas. Aug. 17 Reports of subgroups due to me Aug. 21 Assembled report to all members Aug. 23 Final telecon to clear up any issues. Aug. 31 Report delivered to ASAC for discussion in Chile This schedule deals with the fact that I will be gone August 4-16, but of course I don't know all your constraints. Please suggest reasonable modifications that still produce a document well in advance of the ASAC meeting. Finally, as I noted in my last message, I am using an alter ego, almanje, for this project, so please use this address for communications. I am also testing netscape mail, so that I can deal with attachments. If some of you cannot deal with attachments (like me in my usual guise as nje), let me know and I can put things on ftp sites. The report will need to be in latex, by the way. Best wishes, Neal (almanje) Evans --------------47046972DD16F0C6DDA91C65 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="work.1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="work.1" Goals of the Operations Task Group We will address a number of questions and deliver a short document laying out recommendations or options, as appropriate, for ASAC review at the Chile meeting. The topics we will address include the following: 1. How does the astronomer interact with ALMA before and during the observations? This will include issues of proposal preparation and review, observing script generation, interaction with TAC, ability to update observing scripts, access to data while observing, access to archives to plan observations, calibration issues, etc. Specific questions to be addressed: a. What tools do you want available for proposal and script preparation (time estimators, beam simulators, other simulations,...) b. Who reviews and provides advice on observing scripts? (RDCs or Chile Operations?) c. Do we want something like the real-time imager described in the Canadian proposal? d. How do we provide flexibility in adapting observing scripts while ensuring compatibility with the TAC-approved proposal? 2. How does the astronomer interact with ALMA after observing? This is primarily an issue of archiving and software. The following questions are an example of issues we need to address. a. What is the role of the regional data centers? b. How do they interact with existing or future archives, such as the National Virtual Observatory in the US? c. What do we want to have available at the centers and remotely? d. Will people travel to the RDCs? If so, for what purpose? e. Should funding for data analysis and publication (e.g., travel to RDCs) be part of operations budget? f. What software do we want? Should this software run only at RDCs or should it be portable to platforms at our home institutions? g. Will the RDCs specialize in different areas or be carbon copies? h. What is the proprietary period and when do observations become available to the community?