To: JAO Below please find the Level-2 milestones of the science IPT. There are several areas in which the science IPT strongly interacts with other IPTs, for example software. At the moment, we have not included milestones such as "Science verification of the ALMA pipeline data reduction" in the science IPT, but these should obviously be part of the project planning. Planning for the commissioning period should start much earlier than our current milestone of June 2005 for finalizing the plan for science verification, but this also seems a task of other IPTs. In any case, we will have Level-3 milestones for the science part with earlier dates. We believe that there should be separate milestones for the actual science commissioning of different receiver bands, since they have different requirements on calibration accuracy etc. The dates will depend on the dates at which the receivers will become available for commissioning. Planning for science operations and the core RSC functions is another area which overlaps with other IPTs (and is partly "operations" rather than "construction"). We have included a milestone in the science IPT. Short descriptions of each of the tasks will follow shortly. With apologies for the delay, Ewine and Al ****************************************************************************** Level-2 milestones Science IPT ============================== dd. October 2, 2002 October 2002: Plan for compact and intermediate configurations finalized February 2003: Review of calibration requirements with science examples complete June 2003: Review of specifications for calibration items complete: WVR, FTS, weather station June 2003: Plan for Y+ configuration finalized September 2003: Calibration strategy finalized December 2003?: Science aspects of operations plan complete, including core functions of Regional Support Centers June 2004: Plan for early science configurations complete September 2004: Selection of WVR strategy *** Date to be checked with WVR front-end group *** December 2004: Review of tests of calibration strategies on prototype interferometer complete June 2005: Science verification plan for commissioning finalized June 2007: Science verification of ALMA early science array with Bands 3 and x complete *** assumes Band 3 and at least one other Band commissioned*** xxxx 2008: Science verification of ALMA Bands y and z complete *** verification of any bands not included in early science array *** xxxx 2009: Science verification of ALMA imaging quality complete *** need ALMA with at least 32 antenna's ***