Dear colleagues, With the ALMA project moving into the construction phase and the new JAO management in place, this is a good time to take a look at the science IPT organization and its tasks for the coming years. All of you on this e-mail list have been involved in some science IPT aspects, either through the calibration group, the configuration group, as SSR scientist liaisons, through site testing, or other aspects (Web, ...). While several of these subgroups have regular telecons and meetings (e.g. calibration, SSR), we think that it would be useful if there is also a more general science IPT telecon once per month to inform each other what is happening in other science-related areas. Our first question to you is to let us know whether your name on this list is appropriate, and if so, what fraction of your time is devoted to ALMA. We are aware that this varies greatly among the people listed, ranging from 100% paid by the project to less than 10% provided in-kind. Also, please let us know if we missed any people on this list. Second, we would like your input and help in defining the Level 3 milestones for the Science IPT. As you may know, there are three levels of milestones in the ALMA Project. The Level 1 milestones are set by the ACC/ALMA Board and are part of the ALMA agreement. The Level 2 milestones are controlled by the JAO, whereas the Level 3 milestones are internal to the specific IPT. In the last month, all IPT leads have been asked to submit their draft Level 2 milestones to the JAO (see copy below). These were drafted by the project scientists, in consultation with several of you (apologies that we could not contact everyone due to lack of time). They are currently under review at the JAO and comments are still welcome. A short description of each milestone will be circulated shortly by Al. The next step is to define the Level 3 milestones within the science IPT that lead up to these Level 2 milestones, and this is where we need your input. A draft of the Level 3 milestones is enclosed below; tentative names for those primary responsible for each task are suggested. Feel free to add Level 3 milestones and/or suggest names for tasks not yet allocated. To discuss these issues, we will have the first Science IPT telecon on: TUESDAY OCTOBER 22, 15:00 UT (8 am Tucson time; 5 pm CET) Details for dial-in MEETING INFORMATION : ============================== RESERVATION CONFIRMATION #: 8755078 COMPANY: FTS-NRAO LEADER: DR AL WOOTTEN PHONE #: 1-434-296-0329 DAY OF CALL PHONE #: 1-434-296-0329 Conference Contact: Mrs Carolyn White PHONE #: 1-434-296-0224 AUDIO ACCESS INFORMATION: ========================== PRODUCT TYPE: UNATTENDED CALL TYPE: MEET ME # OF LINES: Total=20 Dialout=0 Meet Me=10 Meet Me Toll=10 Entry Method: Tone In CALL DATE: OCT-22-2002 (Tuesday) CALL TIME: 11:00 AM EASTERN TIME (1500 UT) DURATION: 1 hr USA Toll Free Number: 888-283-3870 USA Toll Number: +1-630-395-0061 PASSCODE: 58531 LEADER: DR AL WOOTTEN FEATURES: ======================= Tones SPECIAL NOTES: ===================== CALL NOTES: * DENIED RECAP ... DID GIVE CONFIRMATION NUMBER .. * PARTICIPANTS: ============= PARTICIPANT PHONE1 PHONE2 COMMENTS ----------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- Leader: Dr Al Wootten 1-434-296-0329 (Will Call in) Please send comments on the above questions (level of involvement, milestones) prior to the telecon to the three of us. Thanks for your help and looking forward to hear from you, Ewine, Al and Stephane