1) Configuration ================ Delivery 17-Sep-2002 J.Conway M.Holdaway + justification to the ASAC on change policy as concerns the Level-2 JAO approval 1-Oct-2002 Level-3 Logic of antenna motion in between. Late March-2003. To be tied up with scheduling and stringency Level-2 Early Science configurations Level-2 Final Y+ June-2003 2) Calibration ============== Level-2 Review of requirements Dec-2002 S.Guilloteau with Science examples - Phase - Amplitude - Bandpass - Baselines - Polarisation Level-2 Review of item specifications Feb-2003 - WVR J.Pardo - FTS - Weather station Level-3 Bandpass analysis Feb-2003 A.Bacmann Level-2 Calibration Strategy Mar-2003 B.Butler Bandpass - hardware Phase - fast switching performance of antennas Mar-2003 (antenna group, M.Holdaway) - report on WVR development Mar-2003 (J.Pardo) Amplitude & Single-dish issues - dual-load : an interim report, S.Myers a baseline design for ALMA implications on operations / data acquisition (receiver IPT & software IPT & backend IPT) - semi-transparent test plan in lab M.Carter test plan on the ATF need for a hot load ? J.Mangum / S.Guilloteau - "absolute" calibrators Uranus & Asteroids B.Butler MWC 349 S.Guilloteau (D array is Oct 1st deadline, start Jan 1, then A just after) June-2003 - "absolute" techniques ? R.Plambeck, Bolato - link with other instruments M.Perault F.Helmich mm instruments, Herschel/HIFI, J.Cernicharo + PSs... - decorrelation correction M.Holdaway Simulations ? - total power stability, 1/f noise and saturation (receiver IPT) Baselines - Geometric model (tides, antenna motions, ...) J.Conway (antenna IPT - software IPT) - frequency of solutions - bootstrapping new antenna pads Pointing and Focus J.Mangum/J.Cernicharo - ATF results - some consolidations of ideas we have Operation Model PSs... - sequence of moves and calibrations (software IPT, site/operation IPT) - some dynamic scheduling Polarization M.Holdaway S.Myers 3 ACA definition Mar.2003 ================ - surface error simulations Dec.2002 M.Holdaway - configuration optimization Mar.2003 J.Pety ? J.Conway 1 or 2 ? declination range ? K-I.Morita + student ? 4 Operation Model End.2003 ================= - required for staffing constraints