Science with ALMA The Proceedings of the Conference 'Science with ALMA' are in press and expected to appear in September. Unedited manuscripts are (mostly) available at From this and other gleanings and excellent science case was presented as part of the ESO construction proposal; it is available on the WWW at With the entry of Japan into the project more resources are available to increase the science throughput. Certain items originally within the scope of ALMA but placed outside the scope by bilateral project funding may be restored to the scope of the multilateral project. These include receiver bands (1, 4, 8 and 10) and a compact array (Atacama Compact Array or ACA) for providing precise submillimeter images. An improved correlator is also among these items. The ALMA Science Advisory Committee (ASAC) has provided documentation on the desirability of these scientific enhancements. In the past year, the ALMA Configuration has approached its semifinal shape. At the PDR the review committee found that a flexible reconfiguration scheme is preferred with antennas arrayed in a self-similar fashion at Chajnantor. A large number of basic simulations on a wide range of objects was assembled, from which it was clear that without combination of total power and interferometric data precise imaging was not feasible. Several simulations using independent restoration algorithms demonstrated that the ACA may remedy this problem. Further studies are under way with a goal of providing the ASAC material upon which to make a recommendation to the project at its September meeting. Just recently, the Calibration Strategy PDR has concluded in Cambridge. The ASAC established a goal for ALMA to achieve 1% calibration accuracy. Several memos have suggested that although difficult it should be possible to achieve this, at least in the millimeter wavelength regime. (Two line review of Calibration PDR results). ALMA Computing has assembled a Science Software Requirements Committee which has issued a document describing software to be employed in the operation of ALMA (ALMA Computing Memo 11). The Committee made certain assumptions on how ALMA would be operated, detailed in ALMA Memo No. 367. The Committee assumes that all proposals will be treated in the same way, feeling it would be exceedingly tricky to reconcile ratings made by several local allocation committees. The project is interested in how the Users feel they want to interact with ALMA. In the past, this committee has expressed its wish that a single unified TAC exist. The ALMA Operations plan is being defined, but the NRAO Users, the ASAC and the SSR group agree on this point, with other opinions yet to be harvested. In the SSR view, the Observer-PI will be contacted by email when the dynamic scheduler has queued his/her observation.. The Observer-PI would be the first to look at the 'final' science data from the error-free calibration and quick look pipelines. Owing to the dependency of achieved sensitivity on weather, the PI may be allocated a sensitivity level rather than a fixed portion of time. The program may have embedded in it breakpoints at which the Observer-PI wishes to interact with the data, perhaps changing the program within a predefined set of rules. After pipeline processing, data will flow to the archives, one of which will be located in the U. S. in the draft plan. This will include raw data, calibration data and images produced by the pipeline and all associated data. Assistance will be provided to astronomers in the use of the archive. The character of access and assistance will be characterized with input from the NRAO User's committee and other groups. We'd like to launch the initial solicitation of that input now. 1) Although this is only an outline plan, still very much under discussion is its general outline wat the user community in North America wants? 2) What would you like to have at the archive--would you envision personal interaction or only data retrieval? What level of 'friend' support? 3) Would you need funding to use it effectively? If so, what sort--page charges and travel support or grant support awarded on a competitive basis?