aips++ gui

Here is what I propose for the gui. It is very similar to (if not exactly like) what was originally there when I started testing. Simply 3 expandable bars, one for the manager, one for the functions, and one for the messages. (note: this may look different than the present incarnation that you guys use, since my version of stable is different).

I would use it in the mode with the manager and functions expanded, like this:

From what Steve was saying, I suspect he would like to roll up the functions bar, like this:

When you press "create" in the manager window to create a tool, there would be no need for the manger window, so I suppose aips++ should roll up that window and just keep the functions window, so it would look pretty much like it does now, ie:

After the desired tool function was created, it would go back to either of the first two states shown above, depending on whether functions originally had an up arrow or down arrow. This way, when Steve looks at it the way he likes, it only take up one more line than it now does, and I can see all the functions as I browse around

(one of the reasons I prefer this to using the web is that I use netscape for many things while I am running aips++, and don't like it to be monopolized by stuff I am doing in sector of my desktop. And netscape take up much more room than the above.)

An alternative would be to have each of the items as tear-off or push-pin menus that could be arranged anywhere in the window.

John Hibbard
Last modified: Tue Aug 22 16:55:08 EDT 2000