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Sim2Oogl as a Scientific Tool

Sim2Oogl was initially developed with aspirations of serious quantitative analysis in mind; however, after some time it was noted that it's main developer, Geometry Centre, has been inactive since early 1998 and thus active support is no longer available. Both John and myself had planned to contact groups using Geomview for 3-D visualisation of N-Body data in the hope that their experiences would help guide our usage of Geomview. Could John's existing software, which displayed different aspects of the data in phase space, be superceded by a programme which used Geomview to display this information? This question was left unanswered, but my feeling is that it may be possible, but only if a significant portion of time is devoted to modifying the package as it stands. Despite this rather disheartening outcome, Sim2Oogl in its present form is a simple, robust programme which quickly and effectively converts data into a form which gives the researcher a ``feeling'' for the main qualitative features of the system being studied.

Chris Power
Thu Sep 16 20:11:54 BST 1999