Procmail Revisited

Simple Spam and Virus Filter

Puts spam in a SPAM folder, and virus tagged (disinfected!) mail in a VIRUS folder. If you use IMAP, need to "subscribe" to these (and check/clean them from time to time).

#### .procmailrc -- initialization file for procmail filter

#### Variables to define.  Make PATH safe, specify mail dir etc.
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:$HOME/bin  # Make the PATH safe.
COMSAT=no				# This is needed (really!)

MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail                      # Where my folders are
VIRUS=$MAILDIR/VIRUS			# Mailscanner/Sophos tagged
SPAM=$MAILDIR/SPAM                      # SpamAssassin tagged

LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/procmail.log		# The log file.

###################### end of definitions, start of rules ######

# Get spam stuff, put in a separate SPAM folder.  Threshold is 5.0
* ^X-MailScanner-SpamScore: sssss

# This rule puts virii in a separate folder
* ^Subject:.\{VIRUS\?\}

# The end (what, no popcorn?)

Procmail Revisited
Pat Murphy