Common Name
Alternate name from 3C, 4C, CTA, NRAO, Ohio or other surveys
B1950 Name
Source name based on B1950 coordinates (click on link to access NED database)
J2000 Name
Name based on J2000 coordinates (click on link to access SDSS database)
R.A. and Dec. (J2000)
Right ascension and declination coordinates of flat spectrum radio core from VCS  (epoch J2000)
AGN Class
Spectral Energy Distribution Class, based on SED peak location, where
LSP = Low-spectral peaked (< 1014 Hz), ISP = Intermediate-spectral peaked (> 1014 Hz and < 1015 Hz), HSP = High-spectral peaked (> 1015 Hz)
Optical spectral classification from Veron-Cetty and Veron (2003) and other catalogs:
G = Radio Galaxy
U = Unidentified (no known optical counterpart).
LPQ = quasar with fractional linear optical polarization consistently below 3%
HPQ = quasar with fractional linear optical polarization above 3% on at least one occasion.
Q = quasar with no available optical polarization data.
B = BL Lac object.
N = Narrow line Seyfert 1.
Optical redshift of host galaxy from NED, and literature reference (if available)
Radio Spectrum
Description of cm-wave (radio) spectrum:
Flat = spectral index flatter than -0.7
Steep = spectral index steeper than -0.7
CSS = compact steep spectrum (steeper than -0.7 and size < 20 kpc)
GPS1 = gigahertz-peaked spectrum (GPS) with one-sided VLBI jets
GPS2 = gigahertz-peaked spectrum (GPS) with two-sided VLBI jets (a.k.a.. compact symmetric object)
Luminosity Distance
Luminosity distance in megaparsecs, assuming Ho = 71 km/s/Mpc , Omega_lambda = 0.73 and Omega_m = 0.27.  The angular scaling conversion is given in parsecs per milliarcsecond.
Gamma-ray loud?
Fermi LAT detection status:
Y = associated in published Fermi-LAT team catalog, or in an ATEL
N = not detected/announced by LAT team.

EGRET gamma-ray classification according to Mattox et al. 2001, Sowerds-Emmerd et al. 2003, 2004, Casandjian and Grenier 2008, A&A 489,849

Y = highly probable identification
P = probable identification
N = no gamma-ray counterpart detected by EGRET

TeV gamma-ray detection status as listed in TEVCAT
Kpc-scale morphology
Description of radio morphology on arcsecond scales:
core: unresolved core component only.
one-sided: emission on one side of unresolved core component.
two-sided: emission on both sides of unresolved core component.
halo: additional faint diffuse emission surrounding unresolved core.
Jet Speed
Maximum measured speed of any robust jet component in units of milliarcseconds per year and the speed of light. For jets with at least five robust components, a median speed is also listed.
Separation vs. time plot
Plot of separation of fitted Gaussian components from the (presumed stationary) core component versus time. These plots are subject to change as new MOJAVE data are added.
General comments regarding the source and its spectrum (mainly for internal use).