Telescope notes: - BR: - FD: - HN: - KP: - LA: - MK: - NL: - OV: - PT: - SC: * * *setenv U $PWD *export U=$PWD *aips * * ************* STEP 1 ************************************ *task 'snplt'; default; tput snplt *task 'possm'; default; tput possm *task 'fring'; default; tput fring *task 'snsmo'; default; tput snsmo *task 'split'; default; tput split *task 'prtab'; default; tput prtab *task 'calib'; default; tput calib *task 'clcal'; default; tput clcal *task 'clcor'; default; tput clcor *task 'bpass'; default; tput bpass *task 'vlog'; default; tput vlog *task 'uvavg'; default; tput uvavg *task 'setjy'; default; tput setjy *task 'indxr'; default; tput indxr *task 'lwpla'; default; tput lwpla *task 'tacop'; default; tput tacop * RUN VLBAUTILS prtask '';clrmsg ****************** STEP 2 ***************************** * Create a symbolic link 'f1' to your large file (VLBA_FILE) * ln -s VLBA_FILE f1 * ********************************************************* task 'fitld' INTAPE = 0; NCOUNT = 1; OUTNAME = 'VLBACODE'; outcl 'UVDATA'; outdisk 1; DOUVCOMP = FALSE ;CLINT = CLINTVAL; OUTSEQ 1 datain 'U:f ncount 100 vlbaload; indisk 1; inname outname; inseq 1; incl outcl; ****************** * If Necessary: Delete the NX table and regenerate it with INDXR **************** inext 'NX';inv 1 ;extdest; calin ''; task 'indxr'; cparm 10,15,0.5,0; bparm 0; go indxr; ***************** STEP 3 ****************************** *** If Necessary: Apply the flags from the CAL file *task 'vlog' *calin 'U:VLBACODEcal.vlba *outfil 'U:VLBACODE *clrst;runwait ('vlog'); *task 'uvflg'; *freqid -1 *baseline 0; anten 0;stokes ''; *intext ''; *aparm 0 *opcode 'flag' *intext 'U:VLBACODE.FLAG *clrst;runwait('uvflg'); ******************************************* ***Flag all scans below elevation 10 deg ******************************************* task 'uvflg'; freqid -1 baseline 0; anten 0;stokes ''; intext ''; aparm 0 10 0 opcode 'flag' clrst;runwait('uvflg'); ******************************************* ** If Necessary: Replace the gains table with new vlba_gains.key ********************************************* *task 'antab' *tyver = -1; *gcver = 1; *calin 'U:VLBACODE.TSYS *clrst;runwait('antab'); ********************************************** ** If Necessary: Re-load the pulse cal table ********************************************** *task 'pclod'; *calin 'U:VLBACODE.PCAL'; *outver 0; *clrst;runwait('pclod'); *************************************************** ** Flag interactively based on TSYS ** ** N.B. edita only updates the FG table but does not alter the TY ***************************************** task 'edita'; inext 'ty'; tyver 1; solint 0;timer 0;anten 0 crowded 1;freqid 0;inver 1;flagver 1; outfgver 1;go *************************************************** ********************************************** * Flag out bad TSYS values in order to calculate OPACITY correctly * This produces TY table #2 task 'snedt'; inext 'ty';inver=1;timer 0;anten=0;solint 0.5; flagver 0 CROWDED=1;expert 0;dotwo -1;go timer=0; anten 0 task 'snplt'; inext 'ty'; pixr 0; timer 0;anten 0 inv =maxtab('TY'); nplot 8; optyp 'tsys'; source '';dotv false; stokes ''; runwait('snplt'); plver 1; inv 20; aspmm 0; outfil 'U:TSYS.PS runwait('lwpla'); inext 'pl'; inv -1;extdest ***************Create summary file *********** docrt false ;outprint 'U:VLBASUMM.TXT vlbasumm *************************** ** Set flux densities **** *************************** REFANT = antnum('REFANTENNA') optyp ''; aparm 0; clrst; SOURCE(1) = '';zerosp 1,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src01';zerosp flux01,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src02';zerosp flux02,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src03';zerosp flux03,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src04';zerosp flux04,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src05';zerosp flux05,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src06';zerosp flux06,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src07';zerosp flux07,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src08';zerosp flux08,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src09';zerosp flux09,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src10';zerosp flux10,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src11';zerosp flux11,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src12';zerosp flux12,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src13';zerosp flux13,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src14';zerosp flux14,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src15';zerosp flux15,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src16';zerosp flux16,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src17';zerosp flux17,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src18';zerosp flux18,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src19';zerosp flux19,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src20';zerosp flux20,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src21';zerosp flux21,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src22';zerosp flux22,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src23';zerosp flux23,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src24';zerosp flux24,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src25';zerosp flux25,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src26';zerosp flux26,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src27';zerosp flux27,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src28';zerosp flux28,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src29';zerosp flux29,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src30';zerosp flux30,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src31';zerosp flux31,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src32';zerosp flux32,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src33';zerosp flux33,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src34';zerosp flux34,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src35';zerosp flux35,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src36';zerosp flux36,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src37';zerosp flux37,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src38';zerosp flux38,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src39';zerosp flux39,0; runwait('setjy') SOURCE(1) = 'src40';zerosp flux40,0; runwait('setjy') docrt -1;inext 'su';inv 1;xinc 0; outprint 'U:SUTABLE.TXT';box 2 5;runwait('prtab') **************** STEP 4 ************************ **************************************** *vlbatecr *infi '' *vlbaeops **************** STEP 5 ************************ **************************************** *********************************** ** Perform ACCOR correction **** *********************************** source ''; timer 0; solint = 2.0; RUNWAIT ('ACCOR') SAMPTYPE = 'MWF'; DOBLANK = -1; SMOTYPE = 'AMPL' CPARM = 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1; INVERS = MAXTAB('SN') DOBTWEEN -1; OUTVERS = INVERS + 1; RUNWAIT ('SNSMO') DOBTWEEN 1; INEXT = 'SN'; EXTDEST; VBA_SN = INVERS INVERS = VBA_SN + 1; OUTVERS = VBA_SN; OUTNAME = INNAME INEXT = 'SN';keyw ''; keystr = ''; OUTCLASS = INCLASS; OUTSEQ = INSEQ; OUTDISK = INDISK RUNWAIT ('TACOP'); EXTDEST ******************** task 'snedt';inext 'sn'; inv =maxtab('SN'); go snedt; ******************** SOUCODE = ' '; CALSOUR = ' '; QUAL = -1; CALCODE = ' ' OPCODE = 'CALP'; INTERPOL = 'SELF'; INTPARM = 0; CUTOFF = 0 SMOTYPE = ''; SNVER = MAXTAB('SN');inver 0;bparm 0; DOBLANK = -1;source ''; GAINVER = MAXTAB('CL'); GAINUSE = GAINVER + 1; RUNWAIT ('CLCAL') task 'snplt'; inext 'cl'; dotv -1;nplot 8; source ''; inv 0; stokes = ''; optyp 'amp'; opcode ''; runwait('snplt'); plver = 1; inver = maxtab('pl'); outfil 'U:ACCOR.PS' ; runwait('lwpla'); inext 'pl'; inv -1;extdest ************** STEP 6 ************************** ******************************************** **** Opacity and gain correction *********** ********************************************** infil ''; SOUR = ' ';timer 0; STOKES = ' '; TYVER = MAXTAB('TY'); GCVER = MAXTAB('GC') SNVER = MAXTAB('SN') + 1; OPCODE = 'GRID'; APARM = 0; SOLINT = 0 TAU0 = 0; DOFIT = 1; PRTLEV = 0; INVERS = 1; CALIN = ''; DOTV = FALSE; LTYPE = 3; APARM(5) = 4; APARM(6) 1;TREC = 0; TREC=73,61, 47,53, 67,64, 64,64, 52,59, 44,52, 56,55, 64,66, 53,53, 54,62,54,62 dofit=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 *CALIN 'U:VLBACODE.WX go apcal; WAIT ('APCAL') task 'lwpla'; plver = 1;inver =maxtab('pl'); outfil 'U:OPACITY.PS' ; runwait('lwpla'); inext 'pl'; inv -1;extdest ********************* STEP 7 *************************** task 'snedt'; inext 'sn'; solint 0.5; inver=maxtab('sn');timer 0; anten 0; expert 0;dotwo -1;go ; SOUCODE = ' '; CALSOUR = ' '; QUAL = -1; CALCODE = ' ' OPCODE = 'CALI'; INTERPOL = 'SELF'; INTPARM = 0; CUTOFF = 0 SMOTYPE = ' '; SNVER = MAXTAB('SN'); GAINVER = MAXTAB('CL') GAINUSE = GAINVER + 1; RUNWAIT ('CLCAL') task 'snplt'; inext 'cl'; dotv -1;nplot 8; inv 0; stokes = ''; optyp 'amp'; opcode ''; runwait('snplt'); plver = 1; inver = maxtab('pl'); outfil 'U:APCAL.PS' ; runwait('lwpla'); inext 'pl'; inv -1;extdest ********************* STEP 8 *********************** **** Parallactic angle correction ********* ******************************************** vlbapang ******************* STEP 9 *************** * Identify a scan (###) on a strong *** * calibrator that has all antennas present* ******************************************** fg docal 1; flagver 1; gainuse 0; bif 0; eif 0; anten 0; solint 0 aparm 1,1,0,0,-180,180,0,0,1,0; nplot 9; dotv 1;codetyp 'p' doband -1;bparm 0;baseline antnum('REFANTENNA') 0; stokes 'll'; TIMER = scantime(###) go possm; ******************** STEP 10 ************************ **** Align channel phases across IFs ***** ******************************************** *** Pulse Cal Method ********** opcode ''; anten 0;gainuse 0;calsour '' gainuse 0;calsour '' vlbapcor *********************************************************** *** If vlbapcor doesn't work, try a different scan, *** or use procedure below *********************************************************** ** manual fring calibration on single scan method *** *time2 0; timer = scantime(###) *opcode ''; anten 0; gainuse 0;calsour '';inver 0; gainuse 0 *vlbampcl ********************* STEP 11 ************************************** ** Fringe fit step ** should result in small corrections, check the RATES.PS and DELAYS.PS plots ** *If there's a case where there's a weak source that should be excluded *from FRING, you'll have to adjust the CALCODE for all the other *sources in the SU table, and set CALCODE = '*' so that the weak source *gets excluded. TIMER=0; SOLINT 2; DOCAL 2; REFANT = antnum('REFANTENNA') BADDISK 2 3 4 5 6 7 interp 'ambg' DPARM 3,0,0,2.00,0,0,1,0 source '' calsour '' go fring * * Check fringe solutions * Inspect RATES*.PS and DELAYS*.PS for discrepant points * task 'snplt'; inext 'sn';inv 0; optyp 'dela';sources '';bif 0; eif 0;pixr 0;dotv false;anten 0;nplot 8;stokes ''; factor=1;runwait('snplt') plver= 1; inver=maxtab('pl'); outfil 'U:DELAYS.PS' ; runwait('lwpla'); inext 'pl'; inv -1; extdest tget snplt; optyp 'rate' ; stokes ''; runwait('snplt') tget lwpla;plver= 1; inver=maxtab('pl'); outfil 'U:RATES.PS' ; runwait('lwpla'); inext 'pl'; inv -1; extdest * task 'clcal'; gainver=maxtab('cl'); gainuse =maxtab('cl') +1; snver = maxtab('SN'); interpol = 'SELN';dowait true * SELN will flag where FRING produces no solutions, SELF keeps those times source = 'src01';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src02';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src03';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src04';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src05';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src06';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src07';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src08';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src09';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src10';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src11';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src12';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src13';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src14';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src15';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src16';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src17';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src18';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src19';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src20';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src21';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src22';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src23';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src24';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src25';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src26';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src27';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src28';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src29';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src30';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src31';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src32';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src33';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src34';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src35';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src36';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src37';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src38';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src39';calsour = source; go clcal source = 'src40';calsour = source; go clcal source ''; calsour '';gainuse 0; gainver 0 tget possm;aparm 1,1,0,0,-180,180,0,0,1,0; nplot 9; dotv -1;codetyp 'a&p' baseline antnum('REFANTENNA') 0; stokes 'll'; runwait('possm') tget lwpla; outfil 'U:POSSM_2.PS' ;plver = 1; docal 1; inv = maxtab('pl'); runwait('lwpla'); inext 'pl'; inv -1; extdest * **************************** STEP 12 ************* *** Check the number of failed solutions and re-run VLBAFRNG if necessary *** You may also want to run SNEDT; DODELAY 1 on the SN or CL table from VLBAFRNG ********************************************************************** ********************************STEP 13 ******* ***************** Align phases in cross hands ******* *************************************** *calsour ''; flagver 1; gainuse = maxtab('cl'); anten 0; solint 2; infil '' *crsfring ** Check if solutions found for all IFs, then apply with clcal: *tget clcal *sour ''; calsour ''; gainv = maxtab('cl'); gainuse = maxtab('cl')+1 *snver = maxtab('sn'); interp ''; opcode ''; runwait('clcal') * * CRSFRING doesn't always work in AIPS, use VLBACPOL instead * calsour ''; flagver 0; gainuse = maxtab('cl'); baseline 2,4,5,6,8,9; * solint 10; dparm 0; dparm(4)=2.0; outdi 7 * vlbacpol * * Or use RLDLY on a single scan *^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ timer = scantime(XXX) task 'rldly';calsour ''; chinc 1; docal 2; gainuse = maxtab('cl'); flagver 0; doband -1; solint 0 bchan 1; echan 0; dopol -1; doifs 0 aparm = 0 go *^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tget possm; aparm 1,1,0,0,-180,180,0,0,1,0; nplot 9;codetyp 'a&p' baseline antnum('REFANTENNA') 0; anten 0;docal 1 doband -1; solint 0; stokes 'cros'; dotv -1; runwait('possm'); tget lwpla; plver= 1; inver=maxtab('pl'); outfil 'U:POSSM_CROSS.PS' ; runwait('lwpla'); inext 'pl'; inv -1; extdest ***************************** STEP 14******************************** ************************************************************* *** Enter calibrator's name below for bandpass correction ** ************************************************************* timer=0; calsour='XXX','' docal 2; bpver 0;clr3nam; gainuse 0;outver 0; bif 0; eif 0;solint -1; smodel 0; doband -1; SPECINDX=0;SPECURVE=0 in2name ''; bpassprm 0 bpassprm(5)=1 bpassprm(10)=5 bpassprm(11)=1 ichansel 0 runwait('bpass') calsour '' tget 'possm'; aparm 1,1,0,0,-180,180, 0,0,1,0; nplot 9;doband 1; bpver 0; dotv -1; baseline antnum('REFANTENNA') 0; codetyp 'a&p'; solint 0 stokes 'half'; docal 1; runwait('possm') task 'lwpla';plver= 1; inver=maxtab('pl'); outfil 'U:POSSM_BPASS.PS' ; runwait('lwpla'); inext 'pl'; inv -1; extdest tget possm; aparm 1, 1, 0.4, 1.25, -45, 45, 0, 2, 1, 0 doband 1; bpver 0; timer 0; codetyp 'a&p'; nplot 4; dotv -1 stokes ''; docal 1; baseline 0; runwait('possm') tget lwpla;plver= 1; inver=maxtab('pl'); outfil 'U:BPASS.PS' ; runwait('lwpla'); inext 'pl'; inv -1; extdest ************************************************ ***************** STEP 15 ********************* ********************************************* ** Flag outer channels of the IFs if necessary *** ** N.B. Do this step for 4096 Mbps experiments only **** *** Flag the edge channels which are bad in the bpass calibrated possm plot and especially bad for IF4 task 'uvflg' freqid -1; timer 0; stokes ''; ante 0; baseline 0; intext '' aparm 0 opcode 'flag'; outfgver 0 reason 'bpass2' bif=1;eif=4;bchan=1;echan=14;runwait('uvflg') bif=1;eif=3;bchan=242;echan=256;runwait('uvflg') bif=4;eif=4;bchan=160;echan=256;runwait('uvflg') bif=0;eif=0;bchan=0;echan=0; reason '' ****************************************************************************** *Adjust any antenna gains if necessary: * task 'tacop';inext 'cl';inv = maxtab('cl');outn inna;outcl incl * outseq inseq;outdisk indisk;keywor '';outver 0;runwait('tacop'); * anten 3 0; stokes ''; timer 0;CLCORPRM = 1.9, 0; * opcode 'gain'; gainv = maxtab('cl');source '';calsour sour; * gainuse gainv ; runwait('clcor'); ****************************************************************** ************************* STEP 16 ************************************ *** Apply final CL table, split, phase selfcal all sources * ************************************************************* indisk 2; for i = 1 to 300;getn i;zap;end innam 'VLBACODE'; indisk 1;incl 'UVDATA';inseq 1; outdisk 2 bif 0; eif 0; bchan 0; echan 0; outcl 'split'; dopol -1; gainuse 0; doband 1; bpver 0;anten 0 docal 2; aparm 2 2 0; douvcomp false; timer 0; inv 0; stokes '' outseq 2; sources ''; runwait('split') ************************************************************* task 'calib';default;indisk 2;refant=antnum('REFANTENNA'); outdisk 2; solint 2/60; smodel 1,0;aparm 0; aparm(7) 1e-2; aparm(1) 3; cparm 0; anten 0; docal -1; outseq 2; soltype 'L1R' cmethod 'dft';solmode 'p'; outcl 'calib'; doband -1; snver 0; for i=1 to NSRC.0;getn i; inseq 2; outn inn;runwait('calib');end ************************************************************* *** Write raw and edt uv files to disk *** ************************************************************* dowait true task 'fittp' incl 'calib';inseq 2;indisk 2 dataout 'U:bsrc01.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src01';go dataout 'U:bsrc02.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src02';go dataout 'U:bsrc03.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src03';go dataout 'U:bsrc04.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src04';go dataout 'U:bsrc05.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src05';go dataout 'U:bsrc06.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src06';go dataout 'U:bsrc07.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src07';go dataout 'U:bsrc08.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src08';go dataout 'U:bsrc09.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src09';go dataout 'U:bsrc10.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src10';go dataout 'U:bsrc11.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src11';go dataout 'U:bsrc12.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src12';go dataout 'U:bsrc13.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src13';go dataout 'U:bsrc14.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src14';go dataout 'U:bsrc15.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src15';go dataout 'U:bsrc16.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src16';go dataout 'U:bsrc17.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src17';go dataout 'U:bsrc18.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src18';go dataout 'U:bsrc19.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src19';go dataout 'U:bsrc20.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src20';go dataout 'U:bsrc21.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src21';go dataout 'U:bsrc22.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src22';go dataout 'U:bsrc23.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src23';go dataout 'U:bsrc24.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src24';go dataout 'U:bsrc25.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src25';go dataout 'U:bsrc26.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src26';go dataout 'U:bsrc27.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src27';go dataout 'U:bsrc28.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src28';go dataout 'U:bsrc29.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src29';go dataout 'U:bsrc30.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src30';go dataout 'U:bsrc31.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src31';go dataout 'U:bsrc32.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src32';go dataout 'U:bsrc33.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src33';go dataout 'U:bsrc34.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src34';go dataout 'U:bsrc35.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src35';go dataout 'U:bsrc36.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src36';go dataout 'U:bsrc37.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src37';go dataout 'U:bsrc38.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src38';go dataout 'U:bsrc39.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src39';go dataout 'U:bsrc40.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt innam 'src40';go incl 'split' dataout 'U:bsrc01.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src01';go dataout 'U:bsrc02.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src02';go dataout 'U:bsrc03.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src03';go dataout 'U:bsrc04.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src04';go dataout 'U:bsrc05.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src05';go dataout 'U:bsrc06.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src06';go dataout 'U:bsrc07.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src07';go dataout 'U:bsrc08.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src08';go dataout 'U:bsrc09.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src09';go dataout 'U:bsrc10.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src10';go dataout 'U:bsrc11.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src11';go dataout 'U:bsrc12.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src12';go dataout 'U:bsrc13.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src13';go dataout 'U:bsrc14.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src14';go dataout 'U:bsrc15.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src15';go dataout 'U:bsrc16.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src16';go dataout 'U:bsrc17.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src17';go dataout 'U:bsrc18.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src18';go dataout 'U:bsrc19.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src19';go dataout 'U:bsrc20.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src20';go dataout 'U:bsrc21.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src21';go dataout 'U:bsrc22.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src22';go dataout 'U:bsrc23.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src23';go dataout 'U:bsrc24.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src24';go dataout 'U:bsrc25.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src25';go dataout 'U:bsrc26.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src26';go dataout 'U:bsrc27.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src27';go dataout 'U:bsrc28.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src28';go dataout 'U:bsrc29.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src29';go dataout 'U:bsrc30.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src30';go dataout 'U:bsrc31.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src31';go dataout 'U:bsrc32.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src32';go dataout 'U:bsrc33.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src33';go dataout 'U:bsrc34.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src34';go dataout 'U:bsrc35.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src35';go dataout 'U:bsrc36.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src36';go dataout 'U:bsrc37.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src37';go dataout 'U:bsrc38.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src38';go dataout 'U:bsrc39.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src39';go dataout 'U:bsrc40.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw innam 'src40';go * *================END OF INITIAL AIPS CALIBRATION PROCEDURES========= ***************************************************************************** *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** ****************************STEP 17******************************************* * load files into difmap, use getwin to get clean windows, and flag files ** and build up best clean model, with medt, csm, acal, then use msave filename to save. * ** Delete SPLIT and CALIB AIPS files indisk 2 for i = 1 to 300;getn i;zap;end * ** import CMAP and uvf_raw_edt files back to aips dowait true tget fitld douvcomp -1;ncount 0 outcl 'EDIT';outseq 1; outdisk 2 datain 'U:bsrc01.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src01';go datain 'U:bsrc02.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src02';go datain 'U:bsrc03.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src03';go datain 'U:bsrc04.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src04';go datain 'U:bsrc05.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src05';go datain 'U:bsrc06.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src06';go datain 'U:bsrc07.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src07';go datain 'U:bsrc08.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src08';go datain 'U:bsrc09.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src09';go datain 'U:bsrc10.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src10';go datain 'U:bsrc11.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src11';go datain 'U:bsrc12.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src12';go datain 'U:bsrc13.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src13';go datain 'U:bsrc14.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src14';go datain 'U:bsrc15.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src15';go datain 'U:bsrc16.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src16';go datain 'U:bsrc17.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src17';go datain 'U:bsrc18.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src18';go datain 'U:bsrc19.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src19';go datain 'U:bsrc20.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src20';go datain 'U:bsrc21.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src21';go datain 'U:bsrc22.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src22';go datain 'U:bsrc23.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src23';go datain 'U:bsrc24.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src24';go datain 'U:bsrc25.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src25';go datain 'U:bsrc26.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src26';go datain 'U:bsrc27.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src27';go datain 'U:bsrc28.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src28';go datain 'U:bsrc29.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src29';go datain 'U:bsrc30.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src30';go datain 'U:bsrc31.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src31';go datain 'U:bsrc32.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src32';go datain 'U:bsrc33.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src33';go datain 'U:bsrc34.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src34';go datain 'U:bsrc35.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src35';go datain 'U:bsrc36.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src36';go datain 'U:bsrc37.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src37';go datain 'U:bsrc38.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src38';go datain 'U:bsrc39.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src39';go datain 'U:bsrc40.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf_raw_edt outnam 'src40';go outcl 'CMAP';outseq 1;optype '' datain 'U:bsrc01.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src01';go datain 'U:bsrc02.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src02';go datain 'U:bsrc03.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src03';go datain 'U:bsrc04.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src04';go datain 'U:bsrc05.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src05';go datain 'U:bsrc06.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src06';go datain 'U:bsrc07.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src07';go datain 'U:bsrc08.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src08';go datain 'U:bsrc09.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src09';go datain 'U:bsrc10.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src10';go datain 'U:bsrc11.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src11';go datain 'U:bsrc12.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src12';go datain 'U:bsrc13.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src13';go datain 'U:bsrc14.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src14';go datain 'U:bsrc15.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src15';go datain 'U:bsrc16.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src16';go datain 'U:bsrc17.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src17';go datain 'U:bsrc18.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src18';go datain 'U:bsrc19.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src19';go datain 'U:bsrc20.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src20';go datain 'U:bsrc21.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src21';go datain 'U:bsrc22.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src22';go datain 'U:bsrc23.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src23';go datain 'U:bsrc24.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src24';go datain 'U:bsrc25.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src25';go datain 'U:bsrc26.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src26';go datain 'U:bsrc27.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src27';go datain 'U:bsrc28.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src28';go datain 'U:bsrc29.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src29';go datain 'U:bsrc30.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src30';go datain 'U:bsrc31.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src31';go datain 'U:bsrc32.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src32';go datain 'U:bsrc33.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src33';go datain 'U:bsrc34.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src34';go datain 'U:bsrc35.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src35';go datain 'U:bsrc36.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src36';go datain 'U:bsrc37.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src37';go datain 'U:bsrc38.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src38';go datain 'U:bsrc39.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src39';go datain 'U:bsrc40.FREQCODE.epoch.CMAP outnam 'src40';go * uc mc ** run CALIB on EDIT files using CMAPs, 30 sec A&P -> create APCAL.1 task 'calib';default; outcl 'apcal';indisk 2;in2disk 2;outdisk 2; in2cl 'cmap'; inseq 1; inver 1 cmeth 'dft';refant=antnum('REFANTENNA');solint SOLINTBAND; aparm 4,0;solmode 'a&p' in2seq 1; for i =1 to NSRC.0;getn i;in2nam= innam; outn=innam; go calib;end **run CCEDT on CMAPs task 'ccedt'; default;cparm 0,0,4, 0;inv 1; outv 2;indisk 2 for i = (NSRC.0+1) to (NSRC.0*2); getn i; go ccedt; end ******************run LPCAL on APCALs using CMAPs task 'lpcal';default; cparm 0; solint 0; in2ver 2;indisk 2;in2disk 2 in2clas 'cmap' for i = (2*NSRC.0+1) to 3*NSRC.0;getn i;in2nam = innam; go lpcal;end ************ run TBOUT on APCALs to write AN tables to disk task 'tbout';default; docrt 1200; inext 'an'; inclas 'apcal' outtext 'U:DTERMS/src01.AN innam 'src01';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src02.AN innam 'src02';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src03.AN innam 'src03';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src04.AN innam 'src04';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src05.AN innam 'src05';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src06.AN innam 'src06';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src07.AN innam 'src07';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src08.AN innam 'src08';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src09.AN innam 'src09';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src10.AN innam 'src10';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src11.AN innam 'src11';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src12.AN innam 'src12';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src13.AN innam 'src13';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src14.AN innam 'src14';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src15.AN innam 'src15';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src16.AN innam 'src16';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src17.AN innam 'src17';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src18.AN innam 'src18';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src19.AN innam 'src19';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src20.AN innam 'src20';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src21.AN innam 'src21';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src22.AN innam 'src22';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src23.AN innam 'src23';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src24.AN innam 'src24';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src25.AN innam 'src25';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src26.AN innam 'src26';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src27.AN innam 'src27';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src28.AN innam 'src28';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src29.AN innam 'src29';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src30.AN innam 'src30';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src31.AN innam 'src31';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src32.AN innam 'src32';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src33.AN innam 'src33';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src34.AN innam 'src34';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src35.AN innam 'src35';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src36.AN innam 'src36';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src37.AN innam 'src37';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src38.AN innam 'src38';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src39.AN innam 'src39';go outtext 'U:DTERMS/src40.AN innam 'src40';go * ***************************** STEP 18 ********************************* *********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ** Flag out cross hands if necessary (for unpolarized obscodes from archive) *task 'uvflg'; stokes 'cros'; infil '';aparm 0; *anten 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 *for i = 2*NSRC.0+1 to 3*NSRC.0; getn i;runwait('uvflg');end * ************ Go back to Linux prompt ********** cd $U/DTERMS *.AN **** move bad dterm source AN files to OUT/DTERMS/NOTUSED directory ** If expt is missing an antenna then you will need to edit the DTERMS file ** to assign the correct antenna numbers. mv DTERMS FINAL.DTERMS * **************************************************************************** * to establish EVPA correction based on previous images: * tar -cvf ~/t/CV_archive/data/tar.tar 0* 1* 2* * cd ~/t/CV_archive/data/movies * use * N.B. may need to modelfit the new epoch first in case of large core shift * The script reads in pol box regions from sources.EVPAbox * May need to set/update pol box regions for some sources with * * use 'b' key to define pol. box * * Steps done by MLL: * update the evpacorr table with the correct phase rotation value * insert into evpacorr (obscode, refant,frequency) values ('vlbacode','REFANTENNA','OBSFREQ'); * update evpacorr set corr = XXX where obscode = 'vlbacode'; **************************************************************************** ************ Go back to AIPS ***************************************************************************** cd $U fg * **extdest AN 1 of all APCAL files indisk 2 for i = 1+(2*NSRC.0) to 3*NSRC.0; getn i;inext 'an';inv 1;extdest;end intext 'U:DTERMS/FINAL.DTERMS';outdisk 2 for i = 1+(2*NSRC.0) to 3*NSRC.0;geton i;go tbin;end task 'split';default; docal -1; dopol 3; outcl 'PSPLIT'; doband -1;douvcomp -1; outdisk 2;indisk 2 for i = 1+(2*NSRC.0) to 3*NSRC.0;getn i;go split; end task 'calib';default; outcl 'PINAL'; inver 1;indisk 2;outdisk 2; in2disk 2;cmeth 'dft' in2cl 'cmap'; solmode 'a&p';solint SOLINTBAND;refant=antnum('REFANTENNA');aparm 4,0 for i = 1+3*NSRC.0 to 4*NSRC.0;getn i;outn innam;in2nam innam; go calib;end ************************************************************* ******************** STEP 19 ****************************** ************************************************************* task 'multi'; default; outcl 'multi' indisk 2; outdisk 2;aparm 0;outseq 1;inseq 1; for i = 1+(4*NSRC.0) to 5*NSRC.0;getn i;outnam innam;sources innam; go multi;end *****clcorprm is twice the evpa correction task 'clcor';default; indisk 2; OPCODE='PHAS' ;stokes 'l' *vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv clcorprm 0,0,0,0 *^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ for i = 1+(5*NSRC.0) to 6*NSRC.0;getn i;go clcor;end task 'indxr';default;cparm 0; indisk 2; for i = 1+(5*NSRC.0) to 6*NSRC.0;getn i;go indxr;end task 'split';default; outcl 'uvf';dopol = -1 gainuse 2;docal 1;douvcomp -1; indisk 2;outdisk 2 for i = 1+(5*NSRC.0) to 6*NSRC.0;getn i;go split;end *** ************** Print out visibility statistics ********** task 'dtsum'; docrt -1; aparm 0; docal -1;outprint 'U:DTSUM.TXT'; for i = 1+(6*NSRC.0) to 7*NSRC.0;getn i;go dtsum;end aparm 3,0; outprint 'U:DTSUM_VLBACODE_epoch.TXT'; for i = 1+(6*NSRC.0) to 7*NSRC.0;getn i;go dtsum;end; docal 1 **** **** Output calibrated uvf files to disk *************** **** task 'fittp';default; incl 'uvf';inseq 1;indisk 2 dataout 'U:bsrc01.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src01';go dataout 'U:bsrc02.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src02';go dataout 'U:bsrc03.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src03';go dataout 'U:bsrc04.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src04';go dataout 'U:bsrc05.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src05';go dataout 'U:bsrc06.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src06';go dataout 'U:bsrc07.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src07';go dataout 'U:bsrc08.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src08';go dataout 'U:bsrc09.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src09';go dataout 'U:bsrc10.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src10';go dataout 'U:bsrc11.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src11';go dataout 'U:bsrc12.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src12';go dataout 'U:bsrc13.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src13';go dataout 'U:bsrc14.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src14';go dataout 'U:bsrc15.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src15';go dataout 'U:bsrc16.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src16';go dataout 'U:bsrc17.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src17';go dataout 'U:bsrc18.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src18';go dataout 'U:bsrc19.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src19';go dataout 'U:bsrc20.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src20';go dataout 'U:bsrc21.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src21';go dataout 'U:bsrc22.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src22';go dataout 'U:bsrc23.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src23';go dataout 'U:bsrc24.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src24';go dataout 'U:bsrc25.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src25';go dataout 'U:bsrc26.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src26';go dataout 'U:bsrc27.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src27';go dataout 'U:bsrc28.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src28';go dataout 'U:bsrc29.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src29';go dataout 'U:bsrc30.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src30';go dataout 'U:bsrc31.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src31';go dataout 'U:bsrc32.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src32';go dataout 'U:bsrc33.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src33';go dataout 'U:bsrc34.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src34';go dataout 'U:bsrc35.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src35';go dataout 'U:bsrc36.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src36';go dataout 'U:bsrc37.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src37';go dataout 'U:bsrc38.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src38';go dataout 'U:bsrc39.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src39';go dataout 'U:bsrc40.FREQCODE.epoch.uvf innam 'src40';go ****************************************************** *********************STEP 20 **************************** ***** exit to linux prompt *********************************************************************** ****************************************************** mv -f $U/bsrc01* $U/bsrc01/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc02* $U/bsrc02/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc03* $U/bsrc03/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc04* $U/bsrc04/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc05* $U/bsrc05/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc06* $U/bsrc06/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc07* $U/bsrc07/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc08* $U/bsrc08/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc09* $U/bsrc09/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc10* $U/bsrc10/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc11* $U/bsrc11/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc12* $U/bsrc12/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc13* $U/bsrc13/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc14* $U/bsrc14/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc15* $U/bsrc15/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc16* $U/bsrc16/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc17* $U/bsrc17/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc18* $U/bsrc18/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc19* $U/bsrc19/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc20* $U/bsrc20/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc21* $U/bsrc21/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc22* $U/bsrc22/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc23* $U/bsrc23/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc24* $U/bsrc24/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc25* $U/bsrc25/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc26* $U/bsrc26/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc27* $U/bsrc27/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc28* $U/bsrc28/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc29* $U/bsrc29/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc30* $U/bsrc30/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc31* $U/bsrc31/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc32* $U/bsrc32/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc33* $U/bsrc33/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc34* $U/bsrc34/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc35* $U/bsrc35/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc36* $U/bsrc36/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc37* $U/bsrc37/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc38* $U/bsrc38/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc39* $U/bsrc39/epoch mv -f $U/bsrc40* $U/bsrc40/epoch ************************** ************************* ************************* ************************* ************************* ************************* cd $U ** **************************** ** Store the visibility summary in SQL table ln -s DTSUM_VLBACODE_epoch.TXT DTSUM2.TXT ****************************** ************************************************************ IMAGING STAGE ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *** Now clean the uvf files to make FITS files ************ difmap @clean_sources_n quit difmap @clean_sources_t quit ******************* **** gzip the fits files gzip -f $U/*/*/*.fits ******************* **** Now produce ps images *********** *cd $U ****(change frange, cbase, pbase, gap parameters as necessary for each src) * N Y Y Y Y ./mmap_script.N * * *** Now produce tapered images: T Y Y Y Y ./mmap_script.T *************************************************** *************************************************** **** Stop here if EVPA correction is unknown ***** *************************************************** ./polcal.out ** difmap < radplot_sources chmod ogu+x make_png ./make_png ****************; * * * *** Go back to AIPS and output TASAV file to disk fg indisk 1;outdisk 1;inseq 1; outseq 1; dataout 'U:VLBACODE.TASAV inname 'VLBACODE'; inclass 'UVDATA'; outn inna; outcl 'tasav'; intyp 'UV'; * * go tasav;zap;incl 'tasav';go fittp;zap;exit * mkdir $U/AIPS mv *TXT $U/AIPS mv *.PS $U/AIPS mv *TASAV $U/AIPS gzip -f $U/AIPS/* gzip -f $U/*/*/*CMAP gzip -f $U/*/*/*CMOD gzip -f $U/*/*/*t.mod gzip -f $U/*/*/*ps gzip -f $U/*/*/*.fits gzip -f $U/*/*/*uvf_raw_edt gzip -f $U/*/*/*uvf_raw gzip -f $U/*cal.vlba rm -rf $U/*/*/modfit* rm -rf $U/*/*/difma* rm -rf $U/*/*/edmod* rm -rf $U/*/*/output* rm -rf $U/*/*/sep.dat rm -rf $U/*/*/table.tex rm -rf $U/*/*/win rm -rf $U/*/*/outwin rm -rf $U/difma* rm -rf $U/win rm -rf $U/outwin rm -rf $U/*MKIII rm -rf $U/*FLAG rm -rf $U/*SCAN rm -rf $U/*PCAL rm -rf f? rm -rf f?? export setenv POLARIS setenv TITANIA /project/titania/CV_archive/data *for Q band, use *setenv POLARIS *setenv TITANIA /project/titania/CV_archive/qdata * * cp -r $U/0* $U/1* $U/2* $TITANIA **************************** **************************** **************************** tar -cvf tar.tar 0* 1* 2* scp -pr $U/tar.tar $POLARIS * * rm -rf $U/tar.tar polaris * * cd $WWW/data tar -xvf tar.tar rm -rf tar.tar chmod -R g+w $WWW/data/*/epoch exit * ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** * *** Make sure dterms file is uploaded to /2cmVLBA/dterms on polaris * * Burn cdrom of $U directory using k3d * * cp */*/*uvf ~/t/CV_archive/data/needsmodelfitting/ rm -rf $U/0* $U/1* $U/2* cd $U/.. mv $U ~/t/mlister cd /project/miranda/mlister/public_html/ *** update the data.html page on purdue web site using kompozer -edit /project/astro/www/MOJAVE/data.html *** delete files from AIPS * * Misc files - found in directory VLBACODE ---------------------------------------- clean_sources = difmap script for creating final images clean_stokes = script for cleaning all 4 stokes parameters -- called by clean_sources final_clean = script called by clean_stokes difmap.log = logfile of creating deep cleaned images final.images.dat = datafile with statistics about final images * * Data files - found in directory VLBACODE/SOURCENAME ----------------------------------------------- uvf_raw_edt.gz = 2 sec phase-only .CALIB that has been edited, 11s time avg:uvaver 11,true uvf_raw.gz = initial SPLIT file after FRING and BPASS (originally .SPLIT) uvf = split of MULTI: this is the final calibrated file icn.fits.gz = gzipped deep cleaned I image icn.mod = DIFMAP modelfile for above image icn_color.png = false color I image qcn.fits.gz = gzipped deep cleaned Q image qcn.mod = modelfile for above image ucn.fits.gz = gzipped deep cleaned U image ucn.mod = modelfile for above image = multi-image plot of I, P, & Fractional P CMAP.gz = initial FITS image used for AIPS selfcals CMOD.gz = initial DIFMAP model clean component file = wide-field tapered plot of I ictwf_color.png = false color wide-field tapered I image ict.fits.gz = tapered FITS I image ict_color.png = false color tapered I image ict.mod.gz = modelfile for tapered I image = contour map of tapered I image *MULTI = .pinal with EVPA rotated using CLCOR (file not kept) *CALIB = .SPLIT with 2 second phase self-cal applied (file not kept) *APCAL = .edt with 30 sec A&P selfcal (file not kept) (10 sec at K and Q) *PSPLIT = .apcal with median dterms AN table applied (file not kept) *PINAL = .psplit with 30 sec A&P selfcal (file not kept) (10 sec at K and Q) difmap.log = log file(s) from difmap *AIPS files that are not saved DTERM files - found in directory VLBACODE/DTERMS ----------------------------------------------- AN = DTERM solutions from LPCAL FINAL.DTERMS = final resulting DTERM table from script (renamed from "DTERMS" which is output by * Output files - found in directory VLBACODE/AIPS ----------------------------------------------- ACCOR.PS = Amplitude solutions from ACCOR APCAL.PS = Amplitude solutions from APCAL BPASS.PS = Bandpass solutions from BPASS DELAYS.PS = Delay solutions from FRING OPACITY.PS = Opacity plots from APCAL PCOR.PS = Delay corrections from PCOR POSSM_1.PS = POSSM plot prior to PCOR POSSM_2.PS = POSSM plot with PCOR corrections applied POSSM_BPASS.PS = POSSM plot with BPASS corrections applied POSSM_CROSS.PS = POSSM plot with CRSFRING solutions applied RATES.PS = Rate solutions from FRING TSYS.PS = Plot of TY table DTSUM.TXT = visibility summary of individual source files SUTABLE.TXT = SU table with SETJY values VLBASUMM.TXT = VLBA summary file with scan times, antenna numbers exptcode.TASAV.gz = AIPS tables, AN table 2 contains D-terms exptcode.SCRIPT = script file * *** If vlbapcor doesn't work, try a different scan, otherwise use following: * outcl 'TASAV'; outn innam; outdi indi;runwait('tasav'); task 'vlog'; infil 'U:vlbacodecal.vlba fqtol -1;prtlev 0;dataout 'U:VLBACODE'; runwait('vlog'); * task 'antab'; infil 'U:VLBACODE.TSYS'; clrst; runwait('antab'); clrst; inext 'pc'; inv 1; extdest; task 'pclod'; outver 0; infil 'U:VLBACODE.PCAL'; runwait('pclod'); * ------------------------------------------------------------------ ***** END OF CALIBRATION/ARCHIVING ********* ------------------------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------------------------- SN CL 0 1 vlbaload 1 2 ACCOR (then SNSMO) 3 vlbapang 2 4 vlbapcor 3 6 vlbampcl 4 crsfring 7 CLCAL of crsfring 5 8 ACSCL 6 APCAL 7 9 SNEDT of APCAL