TUNA Lunch Talk:

Juan Uson


HI observations of the superthin galaxy IC2233: Results, new procedures, a VLA pipeline and all that jazz

August 7

12:10PM, Room 230, NRAO, Edgemont Road


The talk will consist of three parts. The first (short part) will present HI images of IC2233 that show a remarkable pattern of corrugations given that the galaxy appears to be isolated. This is research done in collaboration with Lynn Matthews (CfA).

The second part will present a subset of recent developments that have addressed a number of VLA features that limit high dynamic range observations; some of which were present in the data on IC2233. This and part three below follow from research done in collaboration with Bill Cotton (NRAO).

These developments have provided us with the pieces necessary to the (E)VLA pipeline. The third part of this talk will discuss and demonstrate a procedure for pipeline reduction of (E)VLA observations.

Each part of this talk will be significantly more technical than the previous one. I plan (to try) to devote 15 minutes to each of the first two parts, the third part can be open ended. Feel free to skip any part that does not interest you.