TUNA Lunch Talk:

Patrick Murphy


Introducing the NRAO FOSWiki web sites

May 15

12:10PM, Note unusual location: CV Auditorium


Starting in the late 1990's, the "wiki" phenomenon has swept over the internet on multiple fronts. Wikipedia and Wikimedia are two well known examples of this technology where (in theory) anyone can edit every page on the site through the web browser. NRAO started experimenting with Wikis around 2002-2003, and we deployed two "enterprise" level sites based on TWiki in 2004.

This talk will outline (a) the parts that go to making a wiki; (b) why we migrated from TWiki to FOSWiki; (c) the [few] changes that occured with this migration; and (d) demonstrate some features you probably didn't know the NRAO wikis had. Because it covers both the NRAO Staff and public wikis, all are invited.