In order to use any of the UniPOPS utilities, you must first set a few environment variables and add two pathnames to your path.

This could be done in your .login, .bashrc, or .profile file (depending on exactly which shell you are using) so that they are set every time you log in. The exact syntax varies from shell to shell, the two most common syntaxes are shown here.

For the c-shell:

   setenv popsdir ~unipops/old/
   set path = ($path $popsdir/sunbin $popsdir/utilities)
   setenv popseditor vi
   setenv popsproc1 $popsdir/procedures/
   setenv popsprinter postscript

For the bash shell or other bourne-like shells:

   export popsdir=~unipops/old/
   export popseditor=vi
   export popsproc1=$popsdir/procedures/
   export popsprinter=postscript

What does it all mean?

"popsdir" is set to the root path of the unipops version that you want to use. In this example, the "old" version will be used. "old" is typically a pointer that points to the most recent stable version of the program (for example, "3.1"). Another common version is "test". This is the version currently being developed. It may have features that you need that are not in the "old" version or it may have bugs fixed that are in the "old" version. However, in the "test" version may be recompiled frequently and this, in turn, may make any existing RECOVER files obsolete. NRAO staff are requested to use the "test" version if possible. Note that the trailing backslash, "/" is required.

The use of ~unipops in setting popsdir indicates that the root pathname of the unipops account should be used. This is standard for NRAO UniPOPS installations, but may be different for other sites. Consult a local UniPOPS guru for additional help.

The two primary locations of UniPOPS executables, $popsdir/sunbin and $popsdir/utilities, are appended to your current $path (or $PATH).

"popseditor" indicates which editor you would like to use when using the unipops "EDIT" verb to edit disk files (like procedures). In this example, the vi editor is indicated. Other editors might be emacs, textedit or edt. Consult your local unipops guru for a lost of available editors.

When using the BATCH verb in UniPOPS, the search for a match to the indicated filename begins at the current directory and proceeds to the pathname pointed to by $popsproc1 and finally $popsproc2. The seach stops at the first match. "popsproc1" is typically set to point to the distributed UniPOPS procedures (as it is in this example). You man add a popsproc2 setting if you have some standard location where you keep procedures.

Finally, "popsprinter" indicates the name of the printer you wish to use. Again, consult your local UniPOPS guru for a list of available printers.