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4.1 Windows TEX shell

TexShell32 provides a simple but convenient Windows shell for TEX editing and compilation. This is a workable basic interface to the whole TEX and LATEX package for anyone who's forgotten, or doesn't wish to be reminded, about the MS-DOS Command Prompt. Its editor provides customizable syntax highlighting and templating for TEX and LATEX structures. The shell also binds TEX compilation, .log file review, and .dvi previewing to one-click buttons.

A notable feature of this shell is that it links the .dvi preview to the position of the cursor in your .tex input file by default, so that you can be, in effect, only a mouse click away from an actual WYSIWYG interface while composing modest-sized TEX or LATEX documents using this shell.

TexShell32 comes configured for use with MiKTeX and Yap but it could easily be configured for use with other TEX packages by modifying its .ini file. It is written in open-source Delphi by Dirk Struve and Peter Nagel.

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