MMA Holography Design Review


Summary and Recommendations.

Last revised 1999-May-28


The review panel consisted of: In addition, as invited experts:

The meeting was a teleconference, with participation from all NRAO sites. Several other NRAO staff participated as observers.

NB: The millimeter-wave array project is now a joint venture between the US and Europe, recently named "ALMA." However, the plans discussed at this meeting predate ALMA, and formal arrangements for European participation in such reviews have not yet been agreed. Accordingly, throughout this document reference is to MMA development rather than to ALMA. No major changes in holography planning are anticipated resulting from the increased scope of the ALMA project.


  1. The Requirements of MMA Holography: possible alternatives
  2. Overall plans and implementation
  3. Specific hardware implementation
  4. Realtime software needed for telescope and receiver control
  5. Analysis software, requirements and implementation

    Supporting material

    In advance of the meeting, written material had been prepared on all agenda items and made available on the WWW: a brief summary with links to other material was made available at: . The plans are as already outlined in Chapter 11 of the MMA Project Book.

    1. Requirements of MMA Holography

    Darrel Emerson summarized the basic requirements:

    The goals of measurements made on the prototype antennas:

    Holography should be a good tool for answering the first 3 points. The terrestrial transmitter can be used as a beacon to help set limits on pointing changes caused by wind. Deformation as a function of elevation cannot be measured easily with a terrestrial transmitter, although interferometric measurements, when 2 antennas and a complete system are available, can do so.

    The specific measurement requirements become:

    It was questioned whether 10 microns rms was sufficient - would 5 microns be more appropriate? The antenna specification is for an overall precision of 25 microns, which would for example be reached if there were as many as six such 10-micron RSS contributions.

    The specification should be kept at 10 microns, but with a goal of reaching a precision of 5 microns.
    To the requirement for a measurement set to be completed within one hour should be added the goal of completing a measurement within 30 minutes.

    Alternative measurement techniques:

    1. Bryan Butler presented the option of photogrammetry. For details, see Bryan's document: Notes on Photogrammetry for measurement of antennas. At present, it seems that a precision somewhat better than 1 in 105 can be achieved, but not yet the 1 in 106 needed for the final setting of MMA 12-meter antennas.

      This technique may be convenient for the initial antenna setting, where only 100 microns precision is needed. For the prototype antennas, this is however defined to be the responsibility of the antenna manufacturer. We should not rely on photogrammetry for the final setting of the surface, although we do need to keep up to date with developments in this field.

    2. John Lugten outlined a commercially available laser metrology system using a movable retroreflector, which would be dragged over the antenna surface; see Laser CMM for Measuring the Primary Mirror Surface. Potentially this technique would be able to reach the required precision, but reservations expressed during the meeting included uncertainty in the magnitude of residual systematic effects, difficulties of maintaining continuity as the laser beams crossed obstacles such as the feed legs, and some degree of uncertainty as to how well the technique might perform in a relatively harsh exterior environment.

      We should watch developments in the area of laser metrology. This may be a viable alternative to holography. However, at the moment the panel does not recommend abandoning the existing holographic measurement plans in favor of such a scheme.

    3. Other options: the possibility of using phase retrieval holography was discussed. This has the advantage of simplicity of hardware implementation; no special, dedicated holographic receiver would have to be constructed. However, experience at other telescopes indicates that, although phase retrievable holography is workable, the coherent holographic technique has significant advantages; it works well with much lower signal-to-noise ratios, and there is little room for ambiguity in interpretation of the results. It is perhaps significant that at least 2 major millimeter-wave observatories (the IRAM 30-meter, and the JCMT) had originally used phase retrieval holography, but have since opted to build and use coherent holographic systems.

      Stay with coherent holography as planned.

    4. Richard Hills raised the question of whether we should be considering single-dish holography at all (see notes below on the different phases - single dish and interferometric - of holography implementation). The alternative is to wait until a complete, phase-stable interferometer system is available and to rely only on that. The biggest disadvantage is that the holographic measurements can then only be carried out after the full 2-element interferometric system has been sufficiently debugged and proven to be sufficiently phase stable.

      The advantages of having a single dish holographic measurement system available before, and decoupled from, the full interferometric system justify the construction of the single-dish system as planned.

    2. Overall plans for implementation of the MMA radio holography measurement scheme

    Darrel Emerson outlined the plans. There are two distinct phases of holography:

    1. Single dish mode, to be used in the initial antenna testing and precision panel setting. A frequency of 92.4 GHz will be used. A terrestrial transmitter will be mounted on a tower, about 300 m from the antenna being measured. The near-field correction to the measurements is an important issue, but a manageable one - as has been demonstrated with the holography on CfA sub-mm antennas. The receivers, including the reference signal system, will be built specially for the holography. The receiver would be mounted at prime focus, with the reference antenna part of the main receiver package, looking away from the dish.
    2. Interferometric mode, using astronomical sources. This will allow antenna surface measurements over a range of elevation angles, but because of more limited signal-to-noise ratio, there will be an inevitable tradeoff between precision of surface measurement and less frequent sampling along the antenna surface. This measurement also requires 2 antennas to be fully operational, with correlator and phase- stable LO distribution. Frequencies of ~86 and ~240 GHz will be used.
    It was agreed that ~90 GHz is a reasonable choice of frequency; at lower frequencies diffraction effects would become inconveniently large. Richard Hills pointed out the advantages of making measurements at 2 widely spaced frequencies - the system currently being built for the JCMT will use 80 and 160 GHz. Independent measurements at different frequencies may help draw attention to spurious measurement errors, such as unexpected diffraction features. This has also been the experience at the VLA. There is some advantage in sweeping the frequency over perhaps ~100 MHz, to overcome potential multi-path effects.

    The stability of the tower was of some concern. With a transmitter on a tower 300 m from the antenna, lateral movements of the tower should be kept to less than 1 mm. Although this stability may be achieved in calm conditions, some tower metrology system may be needed - for example laser measurements as demonstrated in GB for the GBT, or even a separate microwave interferometer using 2 horns mounted on the ground either side of the antenna being measured.

    The choice of prime focus mounting of the holography receiver was questioned. There are pros and cons of both prime and secondary focus.

    Reflections from the transmitter, its feed and enclosure may be a problem.

    The near-field correction is not to be taken lightly, although there seems to be little alternative; if the tower is further from the transmitter, the maximum elevation angle becomes unacceptably small. The approximations involved in the correction become less if the antenna can be refocused on the tower; this requires a movement of at least 10 cm away from the far-field focus position of a prime-focus receiver.

    The holography transmitter could also serve as an eventual test beacon for the full interferometric system, both on the US test site and at the final array location. For this purpose, it would be convenient later on to be able to incorporate a harmonic generator to give much greater wavelength coverage.

    The prime focus holography receiver and near-field measurement using the tower-mounted transmitter is an acceptable plan. Serious consideration should be given to arranging for the holography system to have some tunability, such as in 5 GHz steps over a 30% total bandwidth range. Instabilities of the tower should be examined further, and if necessary some form of metrology system to monitor motions of the transmitter should be implemented. The holography receiver mount must allow the receiver to be moved into focus when observing the terrestrial transmitter. The effort involved in installing and removing the prime focus holography receiver should be minimized. The transmitter design should take account of the need to minimize spurious reflections. The importance of accurate characterisation of the phase pattern of the prime focus holography feed needs some emphasis.

    3. Hardware implementation.

    Antonio Perfetto presented detailed plans; see the material referenced at the top of this document, in particular Description of Hardware for Phase-Coherent Holography.

    Some of the design specs appear to be overly stringent. 120 dB for cross-talk is probably not necessary, and there is no requirement for the high frequency stability. The options of using a commercial vector voltmeter, vs. a simple home-made correlator, were discussed. It was noted that in oder to achieve an amplitude accuracy better than 1%, careful attention must be paid to detector calibration. Care must be taken that the transmitter does not interfere with the VLBA antenna at Pie Town, and that it conforms strictly to all FCC regulations.

    The plans as presented are reasonable. For the backend, the possibility of using an existing system should be investigated - for example, that used for the SMT, or for the GBT. Failing that, it may still be better to build a special correlator (which might be as simple as an A/D and software) rather than rely on the commercial vector voltmeter; this issue should be studied further. More careful costing, both of hardware and manpower, should be made; there was a feeling that the estimated total cost ($160k) is probably somewhat too high, while the included manpower estimates (3 man-months for each of one engineer and one technician) may be too low. [Correction: At the meeting, $160k was presented as being the materials-only cost. This was incorrect; 160k$ includes both manpower and materials.] All in all the hardware implementation plans are basically sound, although a little more investigation of alternatives is required before committing to the final design.

    4. Real time and control software. Brian Glendenning presented the plans; a document Holography Software Development for the MMA had been made available in advance. The telescope control and data acquisition from the holography backend would be well integrated into the normal telescope control system.


    There was no disagreement on the plans as presented. Some suggestions included:

    5. Data analysis software.

    Brian Glendenning outlined the plans, which had been summarized in a document Holography support in AIPS++ distributed in advance. The data analysis, from gridding time-tagged holography data through to production of a telescope aperture error map, corrected for near-focus and other phase errors, and then to a detailed table of panel adjustments, would all be carried out within AIPS++.

    It was suggested that the algorithm for deriving the table of required panel adjustments might best be implemented as an iterative calculation starting from assumed surface errors, and comparing the raw measurements with predictions from that surface model. The model would then be adjusted for best fit to the raw data.


    Other specific points:

    Summary of recommendations:

    The plans as presented are basically sound, although before committing to the final hardware design a little more study effort is required to consider some of the detailed design options. Specific points are covered in the individual recommendation sections.