N-Body Simulations and the Monte Carlo Method

If you wished to solve the time dependent case of the Collisionless Boltzmann Equation using finite difference methods, an impractically large grid would be required. As a result, an N-Body simulation uses Monte Carlo methods to solve this equation. By increasing the value of N, greater levels of accuracy may be obtained.

As an example, consider the following example (Barnes, 1996) : we wish to obtain an estimate for the value of tex2html_wrap_inline18. Draw a square of area A with a circle of area tex2html_wrap_inline20 inscribed within it, where tex2html_wrap_inline22. Randomly scatter n points within the boundary of the square and count the number tex2html_wrap_inline24 which fall within the area of the circle. Since the points were scattered randomly, it follows that the number of points found within a particular area is proportional to the area itself. Thus by taking the ratio tex2html_wrap_inline26 and noting that this is the ratiotex2html_wrap_inline28, we can estimate tex2html_wrap_inline30 with a fractional uncertainty of tex2html_wrap_inline32.

Although the Monte Carlo method isn't a particularly efficient method for calculating tex2html_wrap_inline18, it does outperform other methods when evaluating multidimensional integrals. This is because the error depends only on the number of points and not on the number of dimensions.

Chris Power