
12 Meter Telescope - Remote Observing


Via computer networks, one can connect to the 12 m telescope computers and establish a remote data reduction session, see the on-line "status" screen, have a computer "talk" session with the telescope operator, have a real-time automatic display of incoming data, see weather information, view receiver switched power and total power "chart recorder" output, and view real-time video snap-shots of the 12 m environs.. One can also operate the telescope remotely, but this is not yet available to visitors.

We place only a small number of restrictions on the usage of remote observing. Note that:

We strongly recommend that observers be present at the telescope for regular observing runs. We will be actively developing remote observing capabilities to extend it to a wider audience and to enhance its power and flexibility. We welcome comments from users.


The remote observing package should be used only to monitor your own data, during your own observing time. The package requires both computer cycles and network bandwidth and you should not be competing with the current observer for these resources. In addition, many observers may be (understandably) uncomfortable with their data being monitored by someone who is not part of their group. When you start the remote package the 12-m operator receives a message on his monitor screen that a remote login has occurred. If he is not expecting a remote observing run to commence, he will kill the remote processes. Trial logins before a remote observing run are best done on maintenance and test days. If this is not possible, you should call the operator and arrange the trial run. Once you have performed the login and checked that all the tasks are working, you should exit as quickly as possible. Simple courtesy and common sense will avoid any conflicts.


If you are familiar with the remote observing package for the 12m and have a standard X Window system, you can follow these abbreviated instructions to start your session. If you are a first-time user, please read on.

A control menu will quickly appear on your screen. Click on the "All" box and then the "Start" button. The remote processes will begin to appear. To terminate your session -- and please do this as soon as you are finished with your session -- bring the menu forward and click the "Quit" button. You can stop individual processes by clicking the appropriate check boxes and pressing the "Stop" button. Logout of your session on locura by typing "lo" or "logout".


After you have finished your remote observing session, please stop all the remote processes. You have two options here. You can press the "Quit" button on the Xremote menu screen which will stop all processes and remove the control menu. Alternatively, check the 'All' box, then push 'Stop'. This will stop all the remote windows, but leave the menu screen operative. You can kill the Xremote menu using your window manager functions. Please note that quitting the menu window by itself will not kill the other windows; they run as independent processes. To conclude the remote session, logout of the locura window.

Last modified 17 April 1998; Webmaster