Links to Spectral Line Frequencies and Surveys

* Useful sites: 
     The JPL Line Catalog    The Cologne catalog    splatalogue    ALMA Line List   

     The Leiden Atomic and Molecular Database (LAMDA)    SLiSE  
     Poynter & Pickett (1985) spectral line catalog (6-page Applied Optics paper)     CfA Terahertz line list & memo

     The UMIST database for astrochemistry 1999 (ADS link to paper, including dipole moments for molecules)   
     The NIST Lovas catalog      NIST Recommended Rest Frequencies      NIST Atomic Spectra Database
     HITRAN Database    Applied Optics article on HITRAN database (1987)     ISO line lists
     Terahertz Toolbox      IAU list of important spectral lines
     Jeff Mangum's wikipage on molecular spectroscopy

* Current List of Known Interstellar Molecules:
     CfA list (136 as of 5/2002),   NRAO list (129 as of 11/2005),   LERMA list (146 as of 6/2006)

* Related line-survey papers (with ADS links): 
Note: my ADS Private libraries are more complete than the lists below

K-band (19.5-27.5 GHz) survey of 2 square degrees of Galactic plane (Mopra 22m, Walsh et al. 2009)

my ADS Private Library entitled: Orion line surveys
     Barry Turner's online 2mm line surveys (119.9-170.6) of SgrB2, SgrB2(OH), Orion-KL, Orion-S, W51M, W3IRS5, IRC10216
     Orion (42.3-43.6 GHz) (GBT, Goddi et al. 2009)
     Orion & IRC+10216 (72.2-91.1 GHz) (20m, Johansson et al.)
     Orion & SgrB2 (70-115 GHz) (11m, Turner)
     Orion KL (80-115.5, 130-178, 197-281) (30m, Tercero et al.)
     Orion (138-150 GHz) (Korean 14m, Lee, Cho & Lee)
     Orion (150-160 GHz) (FCRAO 14m, Ziurys & McGonagle)
     Orion-KL, Orion-S, W51M, W3(IRS5), IRC+10216, SgrB2N, SgrB2OH (130-170 GHz) (NRAO 12m, Turner/Remijan et al. 2008)
     Orion (196-281 GHz) (IRAM 30m, Medvedev & De Lucia 2007, citation to private comm. + one figure)
     Orion (80-280) Si-bearing species (IRAM 30m, Tercero et al. 2010)
     Orion (80-280) Ethyl mercaptan (IRAM 30m, Kolesnikova et al. 2014)
     Orion (215-247 GHz) (OVRO 10.4m single-dish, Sutton et al.)
     Orion (247-263 GHz) (OVRO 10.4m single-dish, Blake et al.)
     Orion (216.2-217.2, 219.2-220.2, 241-242, 244-245 GHz) (OVRO mm array, Blake et al.)
     Orion 273.5-300.25 GHz (NRAO 12m, Apponi 1997 PhD thesis)
     Orion bar (279-307.7, 318.5-361.5) (APEX 12m, Leurini et al. 2006)
     Orion (325-360 GHz) (CSO 10.4m, Schilke et al.)
     Orion (334-343 GHz) (JCMT 15m, Sutton et al. 1995)
     Orion (330-360 GHz) (12m, Jewell et al.)
     Orion (455-468.5, 492-507 GHz) (JCMT 15m, White et al.)
     Orion (486-492 and 541-577GHz) (Odin 1.1m, Olofsson et al. 2007)   data analysis
     Orion (480-560 and 1060-1115 GHz) (Herschel 3.5m, Bergin et al. 2010)  
     Orion (607-725 GHz) (CSO 10.4m, Schilke et al.)
     Orion (790-900 GHz) (CSO 10.4m, Comito et al.)
     Orion (220-950 GHz) (CSO 10.4m, FTS, Serabyn & Weisstein)
     Orion (1573.4-1702.8, 1788.4-1906.8 GHz) (Herschel 3.5m, Crockett et al. 2010)
     Orion (44 to 188 microns) (ISO 0.60m, Lerate et al. 2006)

my ADS Private Library entitled: IRDCs
     37 IRDCs (3mm) (Mopra 22m, Sanhueza et al.)

my ADS Private Library entitled: TMC1 line surveys
     TMC1 (8.8-50 GHz) (NBO 45m, Kaifu et al.)
     TMC1 (4-6 and 8-10GHz) (Arecibo, Kalenskii et al.)
     TMC1, L183 and CB17 (deuterated molecules) (Turner 2001)

my ADS Private Library entitled: SgrB2 line surveys
     SgrB2 (70-150 GHz) (7m, Cummins, Linke & Thaddeus)
     SgrB2N (3mm) (NRAO 12m+BIMA, Friedel et al.)
     SgrB2 N,M,NW (218-263 GHz) data: Nummelin et al. 1998   analysis: Nummelin et al. 2000 (SEST 15m)
     SgrB2(M) (330-355 GHz) (CSO 10.4m, Sutton et al.)

my ADS Private Library entitled: Evolved star line surveys
     IRC+10216 (4-6 GHz) (Arecibo, Araya et al. 2003)
     IRC+10216 (28-50 GHz) (Nobeyama 45m, Kawaguchi et al. 1995)
     IRC+10216 (129.0-172.5 GHz) (30m, Cerincharo, Guelin & Kahane 2000)
     IRC+10216 (330-358 GHz) (CSO 10.4m, Groesbeck, Phillips & Blake 1994)
     IRC+10216 (131.2-160.3, 219.5-245.5, 251.5-267.5 GHz) (KP12m, HHT10m, He et al. 2008)
     IRC+10216 & VYCMa (215-285 GHz) (HHT10m, Tenenbaum 2010)
     IRC+10216(226-268 and 339-364 non-contiguous) (JCMT, Avery et al. 1992)
     IRC+10216 (293.9-354.8GHz) (SMA, Patel et al. 2011)
     IRC+10216 (554.5-636.5GHz) (Herschel 3.5m, Cernicharo et al. 2010)
     CRL618 (80-276 GHz) (IRAM 30m, Pardo et al. 2007)
     NGC7027 (3mm & 1mm) (ARO 10m, Huang et al. 2007, abstract only)
     NGC7027 (71-111, 157-161, 218-267 GHz) (ARO 12m, 10m, Zhang et al. 2008)

     IRAS 15194-5115 (a carbon star) (3mm & 1mm) (SEST 15m, Nyman et al. 1993)

     IRAS 16293-2422 (239-250, 338-347 GHz) (CSO & JCMT, Blake et al.)
IRAS 16293-2422 3, 2, 1, 0.8mm (IRAM30,JCMT, Caux et al.)

my ADS Private Library entitled: UCHII line surveys
     UCHII regions: G5.89, G9.62, G10.30, G10.47, G12.21, G13.87, G29.96, G31.41, G34.26, G43.89, G45.12, G45.45, G45.47, G75.78 (200-350 GHz) (JCMT 15m, Hatchell et al.)
     1.2 cm survey of W28 TeV sources
     G5.89-0.39 (330-360 GHz) (JCMT 15m, Thompson & MacDonald)

     W51 (17.6-22.0 GHz) (NRAO 140ft, Bell, Avery & Watson)

     W3 complex (330-360 GHz) (JCMT 15m, Helmich & van Dishoeck)
     W3(OH) and IRS5 (84.7-115.6 GHz) (TRAO 14m, Kim et al. 2006)

     G34.3+0.15 (155.3-165.3 GHz) (Korean 14m, Kim et al.)
     G34.3+0.15 (84.7-115.6), (123.5-155.3 GHz) (Korean 14m, Kim et al.)
     G34.3+0.15 Hot Core (330-360 GHz) (JCMT 15m, Macdonald, Gibb, Habing & Millar 1996)
     G34.3+0.15 Outer Halo (330-360 GHz) (JCMT 15m, Thompson, Macdonald & Millar 1999)

     IRAS 17470-2853 (86.1-92.1 GHz) (Mopra 22m, Kim, Balasubramanyam & Burton)

     IRAS 23385+6053 (330-360 GHz) (JCMT 15m, Thompson & MacDonald)

* Extragalactic line-survey papers (my ADS Private Library entitled: extragalactic line surveys)
     Arp 220 (202-242 GHz) (SMA, Martin et al.)
     NGC 253 (2mm) (IRAM 30m, Martin et al.)
     Absorption lines in Parkes 0.5Jy flat-spectrum red quasars (HI, OH) (GMRT, ATCA, Westerbork)
     The Arecibo Arp 220 Spectral Census I: Discovery of the Pre-Biotic Molecule Methanimine and New Cm-wavelength Transitions of Other Molecules (Arecibo)

* Accurate frequencies
     CH3OH (Muller, Menten & Mader 2004)
     CS and C34S (Gottlieb, Myers & Thaddeus)
     C17O and 13C17O (Klapper et al. 2003)
     NH3, NH2D, NHD2, ND3 (Coudert & Roueff 2006)
     Millimeter- and submillimeter-wave spectrum of highly excited states of water (Pearson et al. 1991)
     Vibrational lines of H2O (Belov et al. 1987)
     Vibrational lines of H2O (Kuze 1980)
     H2O lines from 841 to 1575 GHz (Chen et al. 2000)
     Lines of D2O from 0.5 to 5 THz (Matsushima et al. 2001)
     Lines of H217O and H218O from 0.5 to 5 THz (Matsushima et al. 1999)
     Formaldehyde frequencies (plus isotopomers) (Cornet & Winnewisser 1980)
     HeH+ frequencies (Matsushima et al. 1997)
     Rotational-Torsional Spectrum of Methanol from 0.55 to 1.2 THz (Belov, Winnewisser & Herbst 1995)
     HCCCN   (Thorwirth, Muller & Winnewisser 2000)
     HCCCN isotopomers with 15N or a single 13C   (Thorwirth et al. 2001)   journal link via Harvard
     Methanol spectra (Anderson, Herbst & de Lucia 1992)
     Methyl formate spectra (Oesterling et al. 1999)   Bauder 1979

* H2D+ / D2H+ papers
my ADS Private Library entitled: H2D+/D2H+
     Detection in NGC1333 IRAS4a (Stark, van der Tak & van Dishoeck 1999) (E_lower = 86 K, critical density = 2E+05)
     Barnard 68 (Hogerheijde et al. 2006)
     Orion B (Harju et al. 2006)
     L1544 (Caselli et al. 2003)
     D2H+ at 692GHz in 16293E (Vastel, Phillips & Yoshida 2004)
     H2D+ in Sgr B2 in absorption (Cernicharo, Polehampton & Goicoechea 2007)

* SiO maser sources:
my ADS Private Library entitled: SiO maser surveys
     J=1-0,v=1,2,3 from Effelsberg (Spencer et al.)
     J=3-2 and 2-1, v=0,1,2 (Cho et al.) from TRAO
     J=5-4,v=1,2 from FCRAO (Clemens & Lane)
     J=6-5 & 5-4 (v=1) from NRAO 12m (Jewell et al.)      J=8-7 (v=3) 29SiO (Gonzalez-Alfonso et al. 1996)

* H2O maser sources (vibrational):
my ADS Private Library entitled: H2O masers (vibrational)
     Energy levels for v=010 mode (Camy-Peyret et al. 1977)
     658.00655 GHz CSO survey (Menten & Young 1995)
       (CSO detections: VYCMa, RLeo, RCrt, RTVir, WHya, RXBoo, SCrB, UHer, VXSgr, NML Cyg)
       (CSO non-detections: UOri, ChiCyg, W49N, W51IRS2)
       SMA detections (as of Mar 2007): RCas, WHya, VYCMa, RLeo, UHer, RAql, UOri, TXCam, RHya, TXCam, NMLTau=IKTau, VXSgr
       SMA non-detections: RXBoo, RTVir, NMLCyg, RSCnc, GXMon, Betelgeuse, IRC+10011, IRC+70066, OH231.8
       ALMA detections: R-Dor, RAql (2010)
     232.6867 GHz and 96.26116 GHz IRAM 30m (Menten & Melnick 1989) (detections: VYCMa (both lines), WHya (only 232)), and Liljestrom et al. 2002
     263.451 GHz (v2=1) and 268.149 GHz (v2=2) SMTO 10m (Tenenbaum et al. 2010) (detections: VYCMa), W Hya ALMA Ohnaka+ in prep.
     293.664442 GHz and 336.227620 GHz APEX 12m (Menten et al. 2006) (detections: VYCMa)
     12.00880 GHz non-detection in lots of sources (Myers & Barrett 1982)
     67.704 GHz non-detection in Orion and NGC7538 (Petuchowski & Bennett 1991)

* H2O maser sources (rotational):
my ADS Private Library entitled: H2O masers (rotational)
     1296 GHz and 1884 GHz SOFIA/GREAT (Neufeld et al. 2017) (detections: W Hya, U Her, VY CMa; W Hya, VY CMa)
     620.701 GHz Herschel HIFI (Neufeld et al. 2013) (detections: Ori S, W49N)
     474.68913 GHz APEX (Menten et al. 2008) (detections: VY CMa, W Hya, R Leo)
     437.346667, 439.150812, 470.888947 GHz CSO survey (Melnick et al. 1993) (detections: UHer (all 3 lines); G34.3-0.2, SgrB2N, SgrB2M, W49N, W51Main (in 439 and 470 only)
     448.001 GHz line 4(2,3)-3(3,0) is predicted as a maser by Neufeld et al. 1991, but is only observable from space:
         First detection as thermal line in IR galaxy with ALMA by Pereira-Santaella et al. (2017) A&A 601, L3
         and at high redshift by Yang et al. 2020 A&A, 634, L3
     380.1974 GHz from KAO (Phillips, Kwan & Huggins 1980) (detections: Orion KL)
     183.310091 GHz IRAM 30m survey (Cernicharo et al. 1990) (detections: CepA, S158, NGC7538S, RNO13, S252A, HH7-11A, W3IRS5, W3H2O, W49N, WHya, RLeo, RLmi, RCrt, UHer, RTVir, RSVir, RXBoo)
     183 GHz in Sgr B2 (IRAM 30m) (Cernicharo et al. 2006)
     183 GHz in NGC3079 (SMA) (Humphreys et al. 2005)
     183 GHz from KAO (Waters et al. 1980) (detections: Orion KL)
     321.22564 GHz CSO (Menten et al. 1990) (detections: W3OH, W49N, W51IRS2, W51Main, VYCMa), and Liljestrom et al. 2002
     325.15292 GHz CSO (Menten et al. 1990) (detections: OriKL, IRAS1629A, W49N, W51Main)
     22.235080, 321, 325 GHz JCMT (Yates, Cohen & Hills 1995) (detections: O-Cet, IK-Tau, U-Ori, VY-CMa, R-Leo, R-Crt, RT-Vir, W-Hya, RX-Boo, RS-Vir, S-CrB, U-Her, R-Aql, NML-Cyg, R-Cas, S-Per, VX-Sgr)
     22,321,325GHz JCMT (Yates & Cohen 1996) (detections: U-Ori, R-Leo, R-Crt, RT-Vir, W-Hya, RS-Vir, S-CrB, U-Her, R-Aql)
     22,321,325GHz JCMT (Ivison, Yates & Hall 1998) (detections: R-Aqr)

           Frequency                           intensity  Sij mu2   E_l(cm-1)
H2O v2=1   96.25964 (0.0495) 4( 4, 0)- 5( 3, 3)  -8.29140  0.39933  2126.4078
H2O v2=1  232.68670 (0.15)   5( 5, 0)- 6( 4, 3)  -7.67960  1.04152  2398.3813
H2O v2=1  263.45136 (0.15)   7( 7, 0)- 8( 6, 3)  -9.12680  0.84599  3101.1239
H2O v2=2  268.14918 (0.002)  6( 5, 2)- 7( 4, 3) -10.89620  2.55490  4188.3937
H2O v2=1  293.66444 (0.15)   6( 6, 1)- 7( 5, 2)  -8.20820  0.92804  2724.1671
H2O v2=1  336.22762 (0.15)   5( 2, 3)- 6( 1, 6)  -6.74700  0.78235  2042.7534
H2O v2=1  658.00655 (20)     1(1,0)  - 1(0,1)    0.00000   0.00000  2760.0000

H2O v=0    22.23508 (0.02)   6( 1, 6)- 5( 2, 3)  -5.88340  0.60343   446.5107
H2O v=0   183.31012 (0.05)   3( 1, 3)- 2( 2, 0)  -3.64350  0.35271   136.1639
H2O v=0   321.22564 (0.05)  10( 2, 9)- 9( 3, 6)  -5.09820  0.99706  1282.9191
H2O v=0   325.15292 (0.05)   5( 1, 5)- 4( 2, 2)  -3.57010  0.31770   315.7796
H2O v=0   354.885   
H2O v=0   380.19737 (0.05)   4( 1, 4)- 3( 2, 1)  -2.61300  1.28629   212.1564
H2O v=0   437.34667 (0.05)   7( 5, 3)- 6( 6, 0)  -4.82450  0.32581  1045.0584
H2O v=0   439.15081 (0.05)   6( 4, 3)- 5( 5, 0)  -3.66270  1.09695   742.0763
H2O v=0   470.88895 (0.05)   6( 4, 2)- 5( 5, 1)  -4.07890  0.36683   742.0731
H2O v=0   474.68913 (0.05)   5( 3, 3)- 4( 4, 0)  -3.48520  0.41918   488.1342
* Recombination line masers:
my ADS Private Library entitled: Recombination line masers
     Recombination line maser at 353.62277 GHz (H26alpha) (Thum et al. 1994)
     Recombination line maser at 662 GHz (H21alpha) (Thum et al. 1994)
     Catalog of recombination lines from 100GHz to 10um (Towle, Feldman & Watson 1996)

Collisional rates:
my ADS Private Library entitled: Collisional rates
     CO with He, H and H2 Green & Thaddeus 1976
     CO, CS, OCS and HC3N with He and H2 Green & Chapman 1978
     HCN with He Green & Thaddeus 1974
     N2H+ with He (and HCO+ with He/H2) Green 1975
     N2H+ by He (Daniel et al. 2005)
     N2H+ excitation models: Daniel et al. 2006
     H2O with H2 (Grosjean et al. 2003) and (Dubernet & Grosjean 2002)
     C3H2 & SiC2 with H2 (Chandra & Kegel 2000)
     ortho-NH3 and He (Chen et al. 1998)
     H2CO with He (Green 1994)
     H2CO with He (Green 1991)
     H2CO with He (Green et al. 1978)
     CO with H2O (Green 1993)
     H2O with He Green et al. 1993
     H2O with He Palma et al. 1988
     H2O with He Green 1980
     HDO with He Green 1989
     C3H2 Avery & Green 1989
     C3H2 with He Green et al. 1987
     SiC2 with He Palma & Green 1987
     CH3CN Green 1986
     temperature dependence of H2O and H2CO with He Piehler et al. 1988
     CS with H2 Green 1994
     CS with H2 (Albrecht 1983)
     HCl with He Neufeld & Green
     H2O with H2 Phillips & Green 1995
     HeH+ with electrons Rabadan, Sarpal & Tennyson (1998)
     para-NH3 with para-H2Danby et al. (1987)
     HCS+ and HCO+ with He Monteiro (1984)
     HCN with He Monteiro (1985)
     HCO+ with H2 Monteiro (1985)
     NH3 with He Billing & Diercksen (1985)
     NH3 and HCN with He Stutzki & Winnewisser (1985)