ALMA/US Imaging and Calibration Group

Agenda for meeting Tuesday, 30 Jan 2001 at 4:00pm EST.

Date: 30 Jan 2001

Time: 4:00 pm EDT (2:00 pm Socorro, 2:00 pm Tucson)

Phone: (804)296-7082 (CV SoundStation Premier Conference phone).

Past ImCal minutes, etc on MMA Imaging and Calibration Division Page

"NSF is also pleased to be playing a leadership role in developing the international partnership for ALMA--the Atacama Large Millimeter Array." --remarks of Dr. Rita Colwell, Director, NSF, at the Dedication of the Green Bank Telescope, August 25, 2000.




News -- Wootten


ASAC Meeting -- Wootten

The ASAC meeting occurred 19 January. A provisional agenda is here. The US-only ASAC meeting will occur at 1545 UT (1045 EST) on 6 Feb 2001. Details TBA.



Floowing our polarization meeting (see minutes, Steve obtained a note from Ger on polarization observations at Westerbork. Also, Gie Han has pursued discussions with Hamaker, who may present a case to the ASAC.

Please note the remarks by Johan Hamaker.



Please note the ALMA Specifications for the Front End Assembly.



Steve has identified times of microclimatic events from the CBI logs.

  • By examining the site data retrospectively, can we find a signature for these events?
  • Try to predict events since Steve's.
  • Look carefully at 225 GHz sit and stare (was it working?) during those events.
  • What else?



    Details for the Configuration PDR


    Since the teleconference, Lee Mundy ( of the University of Maryland BIMA Group, Eric Anterrieu ( of (Signal & Image Processing Team), CERFACS, at Toulouse, and Mel Wright have agreed to serve as external referees. Two are required, so the quota is met, though more opinions may be sought.


    Steven says:

    I have posted some preliminary results for the DOT model, imaged using A arrays at -23 declination, and for the M51 and CYG models imaged using D arrays at -23, -70 and +25 declinations, for both snapshot and 4 hour track. The D array results are a by product of creating snapshot UV data for use in hybrid array B and D (snapshot) arrays. I have no immediate answer as to why the difference images for the M51 D results at -23 are not centred around zero, but am pondering it. I hope to try something with the hybrid arrays tomorrow. See my site.


    John suggested that we arrive at the metric iteratively and collected the emails to alma-config on the subject.

    Bryan wrote a useful memo summarizing previous discussions.

    John elaborated a bit on the Woody suggestion in Bryan's memo; see his email.

    Next Meeting

    Another phone meeting was suggested, to discuss the metrics. It will be held at 1700 UT on 31 January (noon EST).

    Configuration PDR

    1) Date and Place

    Date: February 26 and 27

    Location: IRAM, Grenoble



    Action Items 1 Aug2000

    DECISION: Configurations--where are we? Next phone meeting plans...ACA/THzA?

    DECISION: Implementation of 183 GHz WVR?

    DECISION: Are the specs for a nutating secondary correct?

    DECISION: What is the total power specification on the ALMA?

    DECISION: What is the effect of 1/f noise in the HEMT amplifiers of SIS receivers upon our ability to combine total power and interferometric images into a faithful representation of the sky?

    Year 2000

    January February March April
    May June July August
    September October November December

    October, 2000

    October 13 ACC Meeting Paris, France

    November, 2000

    Nov 6-9 ALMA Photonics/Receiver Tokyo, Japan
    Nov 6 ALMA SSR Meeting Teleconference
    Nov, 13 ALMA SAC Meeting Teleconference
    Nov 15-16 Vertex Antenna CDR Duisburg, Germany
    Nov 28-29 EIE Antenna PDR Venice, Italy

    December, 2000

    Dec 8 Project Book Frozen Executive Fiat

    End of Second Millenium A. D.

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    oct 22-29 | pasadena (annual dps meeting)

    nov 3-7 | CV (readhead meeting)

    nov 12-19 | marrakech, morocco (IAU site testing meeting)


    nov 5-7 | CV (readhead meeting) ------