Sgr B2(N)

The PRIMOS project has primarily focused on the Sgr B2(N) region in the galactic center. Within the SLiSE interface, the most up-to-date reductions of GBT data from the PRIMOS project will be found under the "ALL_PRIMOS" category, the frequency coverage of which is given in detail below. Less robust reductions covering wider frequency ranges (not detailed) can be found through the sub-band PRIMOS designations in SLiSE. Users interested in using data from these rougher reductions are strongly encouraged to contact Anthony Remijan to discuss strategies for performing a more robust reduction.


Frequency Coverage (GHz)

7.70 - 10.7, 11.4 - 15.6, 17.6 - 26.4, 30.0 - 41.7, 42.4 - 49.3

GBT Archive Project Code


Requested Citation

Full observational details, data reduction procedures, and analysis:
Neill et al. 2012, ApJ, 755, 153.

Sgr B2(N) Turner Survey (NRAO 12 m)

Frequency Coverage (GHz)

130 - 171

Requested Citation

Full observational details, data reduction procedures, and analysis:
Pulliam, McGuire, & Remijan 2012, ApJ, 751, 1.

Additionally, please make note that these observations are a part of the:
"Barry E. Turner Legacy Survey."

Sgr B2(N) (SEST)

Frequency Coverage (GHz)

218 - 264

Requested Citation

Nummelin et al. 1998, ApJS, 117, 427

Sgr B2(N) (CSO)

Frequency Coverage (GHz)

260 - 286

Requested Citation

McGuire, Carroll, and Remijan 2012, arXiv:1306.0927

Sgr B2(N) (Parkes)

Frequency Coverage (MHz)

12065 - 12072

Direct Link To Data (ASCII Format)

Requested Citation

McGuire & Carroll et al. 2016, Science, 352, 1449.