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Conference Proceedings Information


The proceedings volume will be published by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific and edited by A.J. Baker, J. Glenn, A.I. Harris, J.G. Mangum, and M.S. Yun. We plan to submit the manuscript to the ASP early enough to allow a 2006 publication date.


Download the ASP instructions for authors, the ASP instructions for using the graphicx package (note that you can still use the \plotone and \plottwo commands for including figures), the ASP LaTeX style file and a blank ASP article template. The ASP provides these things as well as further instructions. We ask that you comply with all ASP stylistic conventions and use the "thebibliography" environment for references. ApJ rules on numbers of authors in references (first author et al. for > eight authors) and citations (first author et al., except for the first citation of a three-author paper) are preferred.

Use of color figures

Please contact the editors at zmachine@nrao.edu if you are potentially interested in including one or more color figures with your contribution. The ASP charges $975 for the first color image and $500 for each subsequent color image in the volume as a whole. These costs are not covered by the workshop registration fee, and so will need to be borne by individual presenters. Once we know how many people plan to include color images, we will spread the cost of the "first" such image evenly among them-- i.e., the final cost per figure will be {975 + 500*(n-1)}/n.


***** Friday, February 24th ***** is the deadline for submission.

Please email as attachments to jmangum@nrao.edu (preferred) or zmachine@nrao.edu:

  • your finished LaTeX file, named "firstauthorsurname.tex";
  • the invididual figures that will be included in your contribution, in PS or EPS format and named "firstauthorsurname-f1.(e)ps", "firstauthorsurname-f2.(e)ps", etc.; and
  • a PS of PDF version of how your contribution *should* look once the LaTeX file has been compiled and the figures included.

Page limits

  • 30-minute talks: 10 pages
  • 20-minute talks: 8 pages
  • posters: 4 pages

Page limits for talks do *not* include the question and answer sessions that followed, which will be added separately.


The question and answer sessions following the talks will be compiled by the editors based on the discussion sheets we collected at the workshop and our real-time notes. If you still have discussion sheets in your possession, please fax them as soon as possible to +1-301-314-9067 (ATTN: Andy Harris).


Conference Photo by Jim Condon - Click to enlarge