Other Sources
The PRIMOS project has grown in scope since its original conception and has welcomed the contribution of observational data sets toward a number of sources to be released in the same spirit as the Sgr B2(N) observations. This page highlights the major data sets which are present. A number of smaller sets are also available in SLiSE and can be viewed directly in the interface. Users interested in using data from any of these sources are strongly encouraged to contact Anthony Remijan to discuss the robustness of the reductions present in SLiSE and/or to facilitate access to raw data to allow for more robust, application-specific reductions when possible.
Barry E. Turner Legacy Survey
Frequency Coverage (GHz)
130 - 171
Sources with Coverage
Sgr B2(N), Sgr B2(OH), Orion KL, Orion S, W3 IRS5, W51 M
Requested Citation
Full observational details, data reduction procedures, and analysis:
Pulliam, McGuire, & Remijan 2012, ApJ, 751, 1.
Additionally, please make note that these observations are a part of the:
"Barry E. Turner Legacy Survey."
IRC+10216 (GBT)
Frequency Coverage (GHz)
Sporadic from 12 - 26 and 41 - 49
Requested Citation
Full observational details, data reduction procedures, and analysis:
Neill et al. 2012, ApJ, 755, 153.
Orion KL (BIMA)
Frequency Coverage (GHz)
80 - 116 in both the Compact Ridge and Hot Core
Requested Citation
Friedel, D.N. 2006, PhD Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Sgr B2(M) (SEST)
Frequency Coverage (GHz)
218 - 264
Requested Citation
Nummelin et al. 1998, ApJS, 117, 427
Sgr B2(NW) (SEST)
Frequency Coverage (GHz)
Sporadic from 218 - 264
Requested Citation
Nummelin et al. 1998, ApJS, 117, 427
Frequency Coverage (GHz)
Sporadic from 18 - 26
Requested Citation
Full observational details, data reduction procedures, and analysis:
Neill et al. 2012, J. Mol. Spec. 280, 150.
TMC-1 Kaifu Survey (Nobeyama)
Frequency Coverage (GHz)
8.8 - 50 GHz Accessible Here (Not presently in SLiSE)
Required Citation
Full observational details, data reduction procedures, and analysis:
Kaifu et al. 2004, PASJ, 56, 69.
W51 (GBT)
Frequency Coverage (GHz)
Sporadic from 18 - 26
Requested Citation
Full observational details, data reduction procedures, and analysis:
Neill et al. 2012, J. Mol. Spec. 280, 150.
W51 e1/e2 (Onsala)
Frequency Coverage (GHz)
84 - 115.5 GHz
Requested Citation
Full observational details, data reduction procedures, and analysis:
Kalenskii & Johansson 2010, Astronomy Reports 54, 1084.
DR21(OH) (Onsala)
Frequency Coverage (GHz)
84 - 115.5 GHz
Requested Citation
Full observational details, data reduction procedures, and analysis:
Kalenskii & Johansson 2010, Astronomy Reports 54, 295.