FITS archive at NRAO

This is an archive for the
Flexible Image Transport System,
the standard data interchange and archival format
of the worldwide astronomy community.
Newcomers to the world of FITS are advised to consult
Overview of the FITS Data Format
and A Primer on the FITS Data Format.
the FITS
Support Office web pages are strongly recommended.
The formal documents which define the FITS standard
MIME media
An ad hoc task group led by Steve Allen is
developing an 'RFC' which will be used to
obtain official MIME media types for FITS.
The email exploder
(see threads of discussion)
is being used for these discussions. To
subscribe to fitsmime,
fill in the fields in the "Subscribing to
fitsmime" section of the fitsmime web page.
WCS proposals
Work on the third FITS World Coordinates
System [WCS] proposal "Representations
of spectral coordinates in FITS" is nearing
completion; see the links at the bottom of
Eric Greisen's home-page.
Mailing list is
being used to facilitate WCS discussions.
To subscribe to
fitswcs, fill in the
fields in the "Subscribing to fitswcs" section
of the fitswcs web page.
Public discussion of FITS-related matters
occurs in newsgroup
sci.astro.fits (see
last 25 threads of discussion).
A bi-directional gateway connects
newsgroupsci.astro.fits to
Email exploder;
the traffic content of the two services is
identical. To subscribe to
fitsbits, fill in the fields in
the "Subscribing to fitsbits" section of the
fitsbits web page.
FITS material in this archive:
- documents
-- FITS-related documents
- os-support
-- code for various environments.
- data -- FITS files, in
several categories:
- samples
-- sample files from
- tests
-- collections of FITS files for
feature testing.
- src
-- FITS-related source code
- wcs
-- various World Coordinate System
- traffic
-- archives for FITS-related newsgroups
& exploders.
-- searching the FITS document archive.
Other FITS archives are at:
FITS-related resources are at: