This directory tree contains archives of FITS-related traffic for
various newsgroups and exploders
FITS Newsgroups and Exploders
sciastrofits Traffic on newsgroup sci.astro.fits and its predecessor
alt.sci.astro.fits (these newsgroups are gated to the "fitsbits"
exploder). Since 1991 this has been the place for
general FITS discussions. The traffic is grouped by months, and
completed years are in subdirectories. In addition to the traffic, the
directory contains a copy of the charter of sci.astro.fits and of the
RESULT posting that created the newsgroup in March 1992.
dishfits The exploder "" was created in August 1989 to
facilitate discussions related to a workshop on a FITS interchange
format for single-dish radio astronomy. The workshop was held at
NRAO's Green Bank, WV, site in November 1989. The archive contains
drafts of the "Green Bank Convention" and a variety of discussions of
issues like hierarchical keywords and relational database schemas.
The last message in these early discussions is dated June 1990. This
exploder was reactivated in January 1995, and is now gatewayed to
newsgroup adass.fits.dishfits.
heafits An exploder created in April 1993 for discussions of FITS conventions
for encoding high-energy astrophysics data. This archive is unofficial
and is provided as a convenience and so that the WAIS indexer can
support searches on heafits traffic. The heafits exploder maintains
the official archive; for information about its command set send an
Email message to containing one line
with the word "help".
iaufwg An exploder created in 1993 for business traffic of the IAU FITS
Working Group (the body which controls the FITS standards). File
iaufwg.dis is the current distribution list of the exploder
(i.e., the membership list of the IAU FWG).
wfc Committee business traffic on the WGAS FITS Committee exploder
"". Bob Hanisch, Chair of the AAS Working Group for
Astronomical Software, has ruled that the traffic of the WFC exploder
should be in the public domain. The WFC was formed in November 1992,
and is the regional FITS committee for North America. File wfc.dis is
the current distribution list of the exploder (i.e., the membership
list of the WFC).
Other Newsgroups and Exploders
scidataformats This directory contains selected postings which have appeared in
the newsgroup, which was newgroup-ed on 6/3/93. The
postings which have been selected are those which, in DCW's judgement,
might prove useful to astronomers trying to find out about various
other data format standards. There is a FAQ
for the newsgroup. In addition, the directory contains selected
traffic from various other newsgroups.
wgas This directory contains selected FITS-related postings which have
appeared on the LISTSERV exploder "". The
WGAS exploder carries traffic related to the business of the AAS
Working Group for Astronomical Software plus miscellaneous traffic
about astronomical computing in general, including FITS sometimes.
The exploder server supports a full archive; send a "help" message to
"" for information.
sciastro Selected FITS-related traffic in newsgroup sci.astro. An interesting
discussion of physical units usage (e.g. SI vs. cgs) is in file
sciastro_si.9201 .
compcompression This directory contains selected traffic from newsgroup comp.compression
which, in DCW's judgement, might prove useful to the FITS community as
it considers compression conventions for astronomy.
last changed this page 12/18/2001 8:39:36 PM