Directories and NRAOs Future

Directories and the Network

  • Eliminate "stovepipes"; custom, de facto "duct tape" between things (e.g., mail aliases table, list of web pages, auto-generated mailing lists...)

  • Concentric circles: data on inside, intranet, extranet, internet

  • Directories should help facilitate:
    • Single or near-single sign on;
    • Manageable PKI (Public Key Infrastructure, if used);
    • Easier to deploy secure and sensitive applications; give control to the person who has the authority.

  • "Enterprise" directories, Network OS facilities (NIS/YP) are merging.

  • Quality of Service: high priority to, e.g. remote observing; low or zero to less important services; routers will be directory-enabled.

  • Future Possibilities for a Directory Service:
    • Proposal submission and management
    • Observer management (!!)
    • Data Products (e.g., proprietary/public periods for VLA obs.)
    • Allow external users to modify their information without manual intervention by us. Think guests, observers, other NRAO "customers".

Directories and NRAOs Future
Pat Murphy