Assorted ALMA Info

Table of contents

1. Atmospheric transmission plots for ALMA site 6. Datasheets for FEIC beam scanning equipment
2. ALMA/ATF testing 7. VertexRSI antenna
3. Datasheets for the bilateral Correlator 8. Alcatel/Alenia Space antenna
4. Datasheets for Miscellaneous items 9. Melco ACA 7m antenna
5. Datasheets for Front End First LO Hardware 10. Melco 12m antenna

0. Useful links


Todd's collection of mm/submm line frequency and line survey links
ALMA issue tracking (JIRA)   (COMP-1621)   (SEI-11)   (COMP-2290)   (CSV-299)
CASA (getting it for Linux, for Mac) MediaWiki casaguides   ACCG   svn scripts
CASA issue tracking (JIRA)   (CAS-534=PDFs   CAS-736   CAS-2504=FC13   CAS-1109=PB)
ESO sensitivity calculator
Obsprep / ALMA OT (Phase I google doc)   requirements spreadsheet User Test 6.0
splatalogue (beta temporary) offline list for CASA
TMCDB (Telescope Monitor and Configuration DataBase) 2008 version
ALMA Science Archive


AIV wikipage   AIV office page   Joe McMullin's AIV team webpage
Science Coordination Group in Chile
ALMA Cal wiki
ALMA Imcal wiki
ALMA Science IPT meetings
NAASC: wiki   webpage   2008 Meeting LOC   ARC Functional Assignments   NAASC meetings   Older links: NAASC meetings   Third Wednesday meetings
NAUG   helpdesk
OSF Activities
SSR (ALMA Software Science Requirements and Use Cases)
Todd's ALMA twiki homepage
Todd's NRAO/CV twiki homepage


FE -- Computing


ALMA LO System Setup Algorithms
ALMA EDM (full doclist)
ALMA memos   LAMA memos
Front End Operation Manual
CorrGUI online documentation
OSF map w/holography tower
Richard's LO frequency spreadsheet by band

Obsolete documentation

ATF google calendar
ATF procedures page
ATF Activity Journal
Instructions for re-locking the slave laser
Steve's ATF page


Band 6 MRR
FELO WCA Acceptance Summary


Darrel Emerson's ANATAC page
Al's biweekly calendar

1. Atmospheric transmission plots at the ALMA site in the ALMA bands

PWV octiles posted by Al Wootten
The plots below were created with version 5.2 of Scott Paine's am atmospheric model (Feb 2008), with the exception of Band 3 which was made with Juan Pardo's ATM which is more accurate near the oxygen lines. The resolution used was 10 MHz. The width and separation of the receiver sidebands are overlaid as black bars, at a suggested "continuum" tuning. Other bands can be added by request.
Band 3 84 - 116 GHz   (GB version with lines)
Band 4 125 - 163 GHz   (with lines)
Band 6 211 - 275 GHz
Band 7 275 - 373 GHz
Band 8 385 - 500 GHz
Band 9 602 - 720 GHz
Band 10 787 - 950 GHz
Band "11" (see terahertz lines) 1000 - 1600 GHz

Link to Scott Paine's 2008 conference paper on ozone line phase correction at the SMA.

The rest of this page contains links, plots, and datasheets to ALMA-related hardware and system performance that I have come into contact with so far. - Todd Hunter

2. ALMA/ATF Testing

ALMA Block Diagram Version P (2008-02-28) PDF on AIV wiki
ALMA Block Diagram Version K (2006-06-08) PDF on EDM rxtable.gif from Darrel Emerson
Measurement of amplitude passband of the single-baseline interferometer Y-factor and Tsys vs. IF frequency on Feb 18
Mean Tsys compared to correlated amplitude vs. IF frequency on Feb 18
Y-factor vs. IF frequency on Feb 16
Mean Tsys compared to correlated amplitude vs. IF frequency on Feb 16
Four pages put together into one document
Description of ATF LO chain and IF downconversion on the 3mm evaluation receivers: hand-drawn block diagram
Noise temperature vs. frequency:
unit #1  unit #2  
1. The standard observing frequency at the ATF is 103.83375 GHz.
2. The HEMT amplifier's response is broad (say 80-112 GHz). Its output goes to a bandpass filter from 82-110 GHz.
3. LO1 is ultimately generated by the slave laser, which is locked to 85.8 GHz.
4. The laser output is mixed with the FLOOG at 31.5MHz to produce 85.7685 GHz which is LO1.
5. LO1 provides a USB conversion. This mixer works well over an IF range of 14-22 GHz. The specific 2GHz piece of the HEMT output that is typically observed (102.83375-104.83375) is mixed down to 17.06525-19.06525.
6. The intermediate LO is at 12.375+0.033 = 12.4080 GHz, which provides a USB conversion of the prior band to 4.65725-6.65725 GHz.
7. LO2 is generated by a comb + fine tuning syntheser (8.6250+0.03225=8.65725 GHz), which provides an LSB conversion down to 2.00-4.00 GHz.
8. The sampler operates from 2-4 GHz and effectively provides an LSB conversion down to 0-2 GHz, as seen in the correlator output.
9. Due to an even number of LSB downconversions, the sky frequency increases in the same direction as correlator channel number.
Note 1: The high IF range (14-22 GHz) emerging from the LO1 mixer effectively prevents DSB response from the HEMT. That is, even if you tuned LO1 as high as 96 GHz, you would see 82 and 110 at the same spot in the IF, but these are the edges of the bandpass filter. So, for LO1 > 96 GHz, the HEMT is an LSB receiver, and for LO1 < 96 GHz, the HEMT is a USB receiver.
Note 2: There is a plan to remove the intermediate LO in order to enable DSB response to test the 90 degree phase shift (sideband separation ability) of the correlator. In this case, the 10-12 GHz IF range would be used ahead of the LO2 mixer, as the LO1 mixer can be made to work in this range (which is outside of its 14-22 GHz spec). If one wanted to cover the same sky frequency range as before, then LO1 would need to be set to 103.833-11 = 92.833 GHz, but there would be DSB response in the 10.0-10.833 GHz part of the IF. To avoid this, presumably one would choose to observe frequency ranges <= (102-104).
Tuning to CS(2-1) at the ATF Overview:
Using the same settings of LO2 and the intermediate LO, the CS line can be placed near the center of the correlator band simply by moving the slave laser to 80.0 GHz. When combined with the FLOOG, LO1 is 79.9685. With this setting, the range 97.03375-99.03375 is downconverted to 17.06525-19.06525. The intermediate LO of 12.4080 then moves this range to 4.65725-6.65725. Finally, LO2 at 8.65725 converts this range down to 2.000-4.000. The sampler then effectively mixes this down to 0.0-2.0 GHz, as displayed on the CorrGUI. This tuning places the CS line at 97.981 GHz at IF = 0.94725 GHz = channel 120.25 (neglecting V_lsr and Earth motions).
1. First tune as you normally would to 103.83375 (which uses the slave laser at 85.8 GHz).
2. Then issue the PSI script "c sl mpr=80.0" (this will take 2 minutes).
3. Then issue "c wca lock=(80.0,6)"
4. On the object explorer running on crc-01, under FLOOG->Control/ALMA01->SetUserFrequency() to 101.03375e9. Repeat for ALMA02. 5. When finished observing, tune the slave laser back to 85.8 GHz with "c sl mpr=85.8"
First interferometric spectra First Orion spectrum in TDM mode (Todd and Robert -- January 19, 2008)
Orion spectrum in TFB mode (Al and Remy -- April 8, 2008)
Pointing model behavior at high elevations ATF Jan 2008 journal entry
Az, El, great circle angle vs. commanded elevation showing the elevation software limit of 88.96 deg.
Az,El vs El and time showing elevation software limit of 88.96 deg, and good agreement between model (red) and commanded values (blue)
Poor tracking on AEC and Vertex antennas email message describing the plots AEC plots   Vertex plots  

3a. Datasheets for the bilateral Correlator (A&A paper)

Specification document on EDM 64 Antenna Correlator Specifications and Requirements
Astrodyne AS40-5 cage-enclosed DIN Rail power supply local PDF 2-station correlator
Steve Scott's memo Specification and Clarifications of ALMA Correlator Details (10 Feb 2003)
Rodrigo Amestica's TFB spreadsheet Spreadsheet that computes Channel 0 frequency for all the TFB modes available from the ATF and OSF two antenna correlators
G. Comoretto's memo Algorithms and formulae for hybrid correlator data correction

3b. Information on the ACA Correlator
(Fujitsu paper on M&C system)
ACA Correlator Technical Specifications and Requirements
Memo 580 on frequency profile

4. Datasheets for Miscellaneous items

Aastra Telecom NT2N24AD1141 telephone (discontinued) instructions from model 8314 (which work for the memory keys) the phone in my CV office
Acromag AVME 967X slave board that holds I/O modules ABM rack in PSDE rack
Advanced Control Components (ACC) they built the IFDCs
WR7R5GEQ Gain Slope Equalizer FEIC test and measurement system
American Connector DPX2 connectors used in the IFDCs
AML Communications 3-13 GHz room temperature amplifiers Band 6 warm IF amps
ARINC connectors IF downconverter
Astec backup vendor for power supplies IF downconverter
Davis weather station at OSF
AWR Microwave office NTC LNA models
Bristol Instruments 228 Wavemeter NA FEIC
Cryotiger (Helix Technology) PT-13 cold load
Dow XPS700 extruded polystyrene foam EU FEIC cold load window
Elma 3-08-00200ac 200W power supply ABM rack in PSDBE rack
Ionivac ITR-90 vacuum gauge transmitter NA FEIC
K & LMicrowave 3LB40-30/T1.5 30MHz bandpass filter possible new unit for holography receiver
Lakeshore Model 218 Temperature Monitor local PDF manual local PDF datasheet
Cryogenic probe stations Art's lab
Lambda JFS1500-48 supply for 2-station correlator primary vendor for IFDC power supplies
Lark Engineering 30 MHz bandpass filter original units for holography receiver
Mennekes connectors on power supply rack IF downconverter
Microphase Corp. R8394 Analog filters Acceptance Test reports on EDM   mechanical drawing 2.047-3.971 GHz baseband filter
OmniSys water vapor radiometer contractor non-correlation design
Pfeiffer Vacuum dual gauge FE evaluation receivers
4B6-30-1.5 30MHz filter possible new unit for holography receiver
Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. CNA-61D Cold Head FE evaluation receivers
RDK-3ST 3-stage GM cryocooler production receivers
TeraXion Master and Slave lasers for 1st LO reference Local Oscillator Reference Test Module (LORTM) IEEE presentation by Michel Tetu   LORTM requirements
Tews TPMC901 PCI Mezzanine card with CAN controller ABM rack in PSDE rack
TICRA ESO let contract to them for ACA antenna analysis
Times Microwave TFLEX402 coax cable Band 6 warm IF cables
Varian Model 801 Controller FEIC test and measurement
Turbo V70 turbopump and controller FE evaluation receivers

5. Datasheets for ALMA FE 1st LO hardware

Accumet Engineering 3 mil (B8L) substrate for first filter in Band 4,8,9 AMCs
Agilent HMMC-5040 20-40 GHz amplifier local PDFs: datasheet   usage as amplifier   usage as multiplier   2nd amplifier after the YIG
E8241A PSG-L Series Performance Signal Generator local PDFs: datasheet   user guide   programming guide ALMA CVR (continuously variable reference)
Agilent E5500 Phase Noise Measurement Ssytem online PDFs: datasheet,   overview WCA LO functional test procedure
E4419B Power Meter local PDF datasheet WCA LO functional test procedure, and FEIC test and measurement system
E8362B PNA Network Analyzer, 10MHz to 20 GHz local PDF: datasheet FEIC test and measurement system
35670A 2 or 4 channel FFT dynamic signal analyzer, DC-102.4kHz datasheet FEIC test and measurement system
E8257D PSG Analog Signal Generator, up to 67GHz datasheet FEIC test and measurement system
11713A Attenuator/Switch Driver (discontinued) overview FEIC test and measurement system
E4407B ESA-E Series Spectrum Analyzer, 100Hz to 26.5 GHz PDF datasheet FEIC test and measurement system
E4412A E-series power sensor (100pW-100mW, 10MHz-18GHz) 4-channel IF processor (new)
87222C coaxial transfer switch (DC-26.5GHz) local PDF4-channel IF processor (new)
Analog Devices AN-756 Sampled Systems and the Effects of Clock Phase Noise and Jitter local PDF
BAE Systems? 70nm devices
Dynawave Inc. BMA 1110-2899-6289 Rev A. Blind mating RF connector ALMA cryostat
Endwave synthesizers comparison
Fairchild Semiconductor NC7SZ04 TinyLogic UHS Inverter local PDF: datasheet level inverter in YIG DPLL
Hittite Microwave Corp. HMC331 GaAs MMIC Passive Frequency Doubler, 12-18 GHz input local PDF 1st doubler after the YIG
HMC424LP3 0.5dB LSB GaAs MMIC 6-bit Digital Attenuator (DC-13GHz) local PDF datasheet Settling time plot of HMC424LP4
J&E Precision Tool
Leybold ITR90 DN 25 ISO KF vacuum gauge
Turbovac TW70H, flange 63 ISO-K
LNX Corporation GaAs chips for band 3
Micro Lambda Wireless, Inc. YIG oscillators with full electromagnet bias and control all FE LO chains
MLFD-1488MD dual-channel YIG filter (this is a similar device, but not the one linked) 30MHz bandwidth, 12-bit tuning, limiting RF = 10dBm IF processor
Mini-Circuits Surface mount directional couplers (5-1000 MHz, 12dB) local PDF proposed IF monitor
Miteq TB0218LW2 2-18 GHz triple-balanced mixer local PDF 4-channel IF processor
Narda Microwave 4798 variable attenuator 7-18 GHz, 0-20dB local PDF WCA LO Functional Test procedure
National Semiconductor LM7171 Very High Speed, High Output Current, Voltage Feedback Amplifier local PDFs: datasheet amplifier in summing junction and integrator of YIG DPLL
Princeton Microwave Technology PmT 1710-10 8-20 GHz YIG synthesizer comparison
Quinstar QPJ-04122230ZJ1 amplifier 04-12 GHz, 22dBm (1dB compression point), 30-40 dB gain 4-channel IF processor (new)
Rohde & Schwarz FSEK spectrum analyzer (discontinued) local PDF manual for WCA LO functional test procedure
SHI (Sumitomo Heavy Industries) Cryogenics Group RDK-3ST cold head
Spacek Labs PW-5 mixer/IF amplifier
ST Microelectronics ST10R167 16-bit microcontroller local PDF AMBSI-1 CANBUS interface cards
Tektronix WM782F Harmonic mixer for 90-140 GHz (obsolete) or WM782E WCA LO functional test procedure (FEND- photo
TDS 3032B oscilloscope local PDFs: datasheet LO phase noise test procedure
Unicircuit custom, bondable gold plating of circuitry
United Monolithic Semiconductors (UMS) CHA2093-9f 20-30 GHz LNA (GaAs monolithic Microwave IC, die case)
local PDF datasheet 1st amplifier after YIG doubler
Virginia Diodes multipliers

6. Datasheets for FEIC Beam scanning setup
Aeroflex Phase noise measurement mainframe PN9000A PDF slides local PDF: datasheet
Automated Industrial Technologies (AIT) Cryostat tilt table FEIC
Custom Microwave waveguide probes
Emerson & Cuming AN-72 absorber
Micro-coax UTiFLEX UFB142A-0-1968 low loss, 40 GHz coax cable
Nearfield Systems Inc. (NSI) NSI 2000 Software beam scanner data processing for Windows
Antenna Range Controller, 4-axis, NSI-SC-5911-4
Pacific Millimeter MD4A diplexer, LO=5-20GHz, IF=DC-2.5GHz Band 6,7,9 beam scanning
Harmonic mixers EM(band 3), WM(band 6,7), FM(band 9) Band 3,6,7,9 beam scanning
RF Bay Frequency dividers (FPS-2-12, 3-8, 6-12, 9-8) FEIC reference box
Simco Instrument calibration company
Stanford Research Systems SR560 Low Noise Preamplifier datasheet
Tescor Inc. environmental test chamber in FEIC
Times Microwave PhaseTrack PT230R/10M/48603-1 coax cable FEIC test and measurement
Wenzel Associates, Inc. LNDA2-10-1-1 Low Noise Distribution Amplifier

7. VertexRSI antenna (subsidiary of General Dynamics C4 Systems)

number of surface panels = 264 (in 8 rings)
Airborne Composites Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) tubes for Vertex antenna
Applied Geomechanics Model 716-2 wall mount tiltmeter PTC-6A06 switch settings: high gain, filter off
Atlas-Terex GmbH Atlas-Krane hoist equipment hoist from ground to Nasmyth platform
BEI Technologies LS898HSE-1 (part # 190-0200-209) azimuth: interface box serial number 020254, date 0208; encoder serial number 020256, date 1902
Desch Antriebstechnik GmbH Azimuth drive motor
Gore Gore-tex GR TF-0-0 DIN28091 Cassegrain window cover
Jovyatlas UPS in the teepee
Lenze EZN3B0080H42 3-phase mains filter 3x42A, 3x480V, 3x0.8mH
Menerga DDC04 HVAC controller HVAC in Vertex antenna
Mennekes ME 530M17 interlock receptacle (30 amp) on platform next to the cryocooler
Microswitch (Honeywell) LSYPB3K Series HDLS non plug-in, low temperature, side rotary, 1NC, 1NO, SPDT Snap Action limit switch receiver cabin ramp down
Rittal SK3110 temperature regulator
Schmersal Series Z332 heavy-duty safety-rated, positive-break limit switches (230V, 4A, IEC 947-5-1 standard) upper platform gates
SEW-Eurodrive Azimuth stow pin drive: Typ RF17 DR63S2/BR/HR Nr. 01.3016336501.0001.01 r/min 3320/210.0; kW 0.09 sl, V 230 Delta/ 400 Y
Siemens SITOP 6EP1334-3BA00 power supply Vertex antenna

8. Alcatel Alenia Space antenna

number of surface panels = 120
CD Technologies 45 Amp Modular Power Shelf
Phase Motion Control Direct driver elev: 140,000 Nm, 3m radius linear motor azim: 200,000 Nm, 4m diameter direct drive PM servo motor
Siemens RWX62A universal controller HVAC
SED2 Variable frequency drive for variable fan speeds HVAC
Nova-Therm sri RA 6.01 compressor / evaporator HVAC system (cabin temperature cooler)

9. Melco ACA 7m antenna

(Japan) Informal notes from review panel meeting (Sept 2008)

10. Melco ACA 12m antenna


11. Band 3 (HIA)
Glenair cartridge connectors (bands 3 and 9)
Nanowave Technologies (Toronto) fabrication from wafer to mixer
UVML T3-268 and T3-306 wafer qualification reports

12. Band 6 (NRAO)
Aerowave feedthroughs
NAOJ ALMA second test cryostat
SRI Hermetics alternative cartridge connectors being considered
? Air handler for lab

13. Cryostat (RAL)
Norden Millimeter IF switch manufacturer