GBT Talks

The Effects of the Atmophere on Radio Astronomy Observations DSB NAIC/NRAO Single-Dish School Green Bank (2015) pptx pdf
GBT Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS) DSB NRAO (Lunch Talk) Socorro (2012) pptx pdf
GBT DSS: The Path Forward: Challenges to Scheduling DSB NRAO (External Reveiw) Green Bank (2008) ppt pdf
GBT DSS: Results from the Beta Test: Efficiencies DSB NRAO (External Reveiw) Green Bank (2008) ppt pdf
GBT DSS: Green Bank Weather DSB NRAO (External Reveiw) Green Bank (2007) ppt pdf
GBT DSS: Dynamic Scheduling Simulations DSB NRAO (External Reveiw) Green Bank (2007) ppt pdf
GBT Telescope Performance DSB NCRA (Summer Student Lecture) Pune (2007) ppt pdf
GBT Performance DSB NRAO (Summer Student Lecture) Green Bank (2006) ppt pdf
The Current Status of the Green Bank Telescope DSB URSI Boulder (2004) ppt pdf
GBT PTCS: Current GBT Performance DSB NRAO (PTCS IPR) Green Bank (2003) ppt pdf
GBT PTCS: Current GBT Performance DSB NRAO (PTCS CDR) Green Bank (2003) ppt pdf
GBT Spectral Baseline Investigation JRF NRAO (Status Report) Charlottesville (2003) ppt pdf
GBT Status: Current Observing Capabilities DSB NRAO (Internal Review) Green Bank (2002) ppt pdf
Modified on Friday, 17-Nov-2006 15:13:46 EST